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  • 作者:編者:鄭必堅|責編:蔡莉莉|譯者:張潔//李偉彬
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119135670
  • 出版日期:2023/09/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:311
人民幣:RMB 110 元      售價:



Chapter One  A Democracy Where Matters Are Discussed by All People Involved
  Hongqiao Sub-district, Shanghai: Build a Direct Line to National Legislative Body
  Tianjin: Establish Deputy Liaison Stations to Maintain Close Ties with the People
  Gulou District, Jiangsu: Vote for Congress Deputies by the People
  Kunshan Municipal People's Congress: from the People and for the People
  Hongqiao Sub-district, Shanghai: Hear People's Voices and Warm Their Hearts
  Zhejiang: Witness Vivid Examples in Practicing Whole-Process People's Democracy
  Zhejiang: Enact the Law for Deputies to Vote for Wellbeing Projects
  Shenzhen City, Guangdong: Empower Students as Future Masters of the Country
  Guangdong: Convey Voices of Overseas Chinese Through the Direct Line of Legislation
  Beijing: Leverage Deputy Homes and Stations for a Great Vision
  CPPCC Huangpu District Committee: Resolve Problems Through Face-to-Face Consultation
  Yueyang City, Hunan: Introduce Public Mediation into Grassroots Governance
  Kunshan City, Jiangsu: Congress Deputies and CPPCC Members Exercise Legislative and Supervisory Power
  Expert Comments-Li Junru
Chapter Two  A Democracy That Covers All
  Aspects of the Democratic Process and All Sectors of Society
  Inner Mongolia: The CPC Central Committee Incorporates a Netizen's Advice into Its Major Document
  Guangdong Provincial People's Congress: Deputies Make New Contributions to Whole-Process People's Democracy
  Sanjiang County, Guangxi: Hold Consultation Meetings in Drum Towers
  Wenxin Sub-district, Zhejiang: Build a Deputy Liaison Center to Realize Full Coverage
  Junan County, Shandong: Develop a Standardized People's Congress System
  Suzhou City, Jiangsu: Bench Meetings Solve Difficulties in Community Governance
  Shanghai: Deputy Homes, Stations, and Points Serve Voters
  Huaibei City, Anhui: Set Models in Community-Level Governance
  Zhuhai City, Guangdong: People Express Their Expectations on a Wishing Wall
  Wuzhou City, Guangxi: Take the Lead in Establishing Whole Process People's Democracy Practice Bases
  Hengnan County, Hunan: Courtyard Discussions and Deputy Activities Advance Democratic Practice
  Shijiazhuang City, Hebei: Extend Platforms of Public Participation to the Grassroots
  Changsha City, Hunan: Furong Night Talks Pool People's Wisdom
  Nanle County, Henan: Innovate a Model with Democratic Units and Grid-based Services
  Expert Comments-Xu Weixin
Chapter Three  A Democracy in Its Broadest
  Most Genuine, and Most Effective Form
  Yichun City, Jiangxi: Make Down-to-Earth Efforts for Wellbeing Projects
  Beijing Municipal People's Congress: Achieve New Progress at a Higher Level
  Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress: Enrich Democratic Practices to Address People's Concerns
  Dongying Municipal People's Congress: Leverage People's Strength in Legislative Process
  Taizhou City, Jiangsu: Deputies Solve the Most Pressing Problems at the Grassroots
  Dongshan Sub-district, Jiangsu: Build an Integrated Network to Strengthen Local Legislative Outreach Offices
  Jiazhi Sub-district, Zhejiang: Practice a Rich and Extensive Form of Democracy
  Xianning Municipal People's Congress: Bring Happiness to People at Their Doorsteps
  Yichang City, Hubei: Meet the Tujia People's Aspirations for a Better Life
  Jiangbei District, Chongqing: People Have the Final Say for Their Own Matters
  Conghua City, Guangdong: Move
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