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  • 作者:(英)傑弗里·利奇//米克·肖特|責編:李亞琦//宋錦霞
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521347326
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:404
人民幣:RMB 70 元      售價:



Preface to the second edition
Publisher's acknowledgements
  Language in prose and poetry
  Where linguistics comes in
  The scope and design of this book
  1  Style and choice
    1.1  The domain of style
    1.2  Stylistics
    1.3  Style and content
      1.3.1  Style as the 『dress of thought': one kind of dualism
      1.3.2  Style as manner of expression: another kind of dualism
      1.3.3  The inseparability of style and content: monism
    1.4  Comparing dualism and monism
    1.5  Pluralism: analysing style in terms of functions
    1.6  A multilevel approach to style
    1.7  Conclusion: meanings of style
  2  Style, text and frequency
    2.1  The problem of 『measuring' style
    2.2  The uses of arithmetic
    2.3  Deviance, prominence and literary relevance
    2.4  Relative norms
    2.5  Primary and secondary norms
    2.6  Internal deviation
    2.7  Pervasive and local characteristics of style
    2.8  Variations in style
    2.9  Features of style
    2.10  Style markers and the principle of selection
    2.11  Conclusion
  3  A method of analysis and some examples
    3.1  A checklist of linguistic and stylistic categories
    3.2  Notes on the categories
    3.3  Joseph Conrad: example 1
    3.4  D.H. Lawrence: example 2
    3.5  Henry James: example 3
    3.6  Conclusion
    3.7  Quantitative appendix
  4  Levels of style
    4.1  Language as a cognitive code
    4.2  Messages and models of reality
    4.3  An example: Katherine Mansfield
      4.3.1  The semantic level

      4.3.2  The syntactic level
      4.3.3  The graphological level
      4.3.4  Phonological effects
    4.4  A justification for studying stylistic variants
    4.5  Levels and functions
    4.6  Style and qualitative foregrounding
    4.7  The remainder of this book
  5  Language and the fictional world
    5.1  Language, reality and realism
    5.2  Reality and mock reality
    5.3  Specification of detail: symbolism and realism
    5.4  Real speech and fictional speech
      5.4.1  Realism in conversation
      5.4.2  Dialect and idiolect
      5.4.3  Speech and character
    5.5  The rendering of the fiction
      5.5.1  Fictional point of view
      5.5.2  Fictional sequencing
      5.5.3  Descriptive focus
    5.6  Conclusion
  6  Mind style
    6.1  How linguistic choices affect mind style
    6.2  A comparison of three normal mind styles
    6.3  Some more unusual mind styles
    6.4  A very unusual mind style
      6.4.1  General structure
      6.4.2  Lexis
      6.4.3  Syntax
      6.4.4  Textual relations
  7  The rhetoric of text
    7.1  The rhetoric of text and discourse
    7.2  The linearity of text
    7.3  The principle of end-focus
    7.4  Segmentation
      7.4.1  The 『rhythm of prose'
      7.4.2  Segmentation and syntax
    7.5  Simple and complex sentences
      7.5.1  Coordination and subordination
      7.5.2  The principle of climax: 『last is most important'
      7.5.3  Periodic sentence structure
      7.5.4  Loose sentence structure
    7.6  Addresser-based rhetoric: writing imitating speech
    7.7  Iconicity: the imitation principle
      7.7.1  Three principles of sequencing
      7.7.2  Juxtaposition
      7.7.3  Other forms of iconicity

    7.8  Cohesion
      7.8.1  Cross-reference
      7.8.2  Linkage
    7.9  Conclusion
  8  Discourse and the discourse situation
    8.1  The discourse situation of literature
      8.1.1  Implied author and implied reader
      8.1.2  Authors and narrators
      8.1.3  Narrators and characters
    8.2  Point of view and value language
    8.3  Multiplicity of values
    8.4  Irony
    8.5  Authorial tone
    8.6  Conclusion
  9  Conversation in the novel
    9.1  Pragmatics and the interpretation of conversation
      9.1.1  Speech acts
      9.1.2  Conversational implicature
    9.2  Pragmatics and thought
    9.3  『Conversation'between authors and readers
    9.4  An extended pragmatic analysis
    9.5  Conversational tone
      9.5.1  An example: references to people
      9.5.2  Other indicators of politeness
      9.5.3  Politeness and formality
    9.6  Conclusion
  10  Speech and thought presentation
    10.1  The presentation of speech
      10.1.1  Direct and indirect speech (Ds and 1s)
      10.1.2  Free direct speech (FDS)
      10.1.3  The narrative report of speech acts (NRSA)
      10.1.4  Free indirect speech (FIS)
      10.1.5  The effects and uses of FIs
    10.2  The presentation of thought
      10.2.1  The categorisation of thought presentation
      10.2.2  The relationship between inner speech and point of view
      10.2.3  Uses of the categories of thought presentation
    10.3  Conclusion
  11  Stylistics and fiction 25 years on
    11.1  The development of stylistics as a sub-discipline
    11.2  New developments in the stylistic analysis of prose fiction and what, with hindsight, we would add to Style in Fiction
      11.2.1  Story/plot
      11.2.2  Fictional worlds, text worlds, mental spaces
      11.2.3  Character and characterisation
    11.3  New developments in the stylistics of prose fiction and what, with hindsight, we would change in Style in Fiction
      11.3.1  Different kinds of viewpoint and different linguistic indicators of viewpoint

      11.3.2  Narratological aspects of viewpoint
      11.3.3  Speech, thought and writing presentation
    11.4  Detail and precision, and the way ahead
  12  The Bucket and the Rope'
    12.1  T.F.Powys
    12.2  『The Bucket and the Rope'
    12.3  Discussion of 『The Bucket and the Rope'
      12.3.1  Provisional interpretative comments on the story
      12.3.2  The title of the story: schemata and associations
      12.3.3  The story's discourse structure: narration, speech presentation and 『framing'
      12.3.4  The story's structure
      12.3.5  Structuralist and possible worlds accounts of literary narratives: Claude Br?mond and Marie-Laure Ryan
      12.3.6  Linking structure and interpretation: Claude L?vi-Strauss
      12.3.7  Fictional worlds and viewpoint
      12.3.8  Textual analysis in terms of lexis, grammar and meaning
      12.3.9  Characterisation
    12.4  Assessing the new techniques
Passages and topics for further study
Further reading
Index of works discussed
General index

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