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  • 作者:編者:孫大林//黃高山//趙婕|責編:陶艷玲
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122431523
  • 出版日期:2023/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:287
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
  Unit 1.1  Text  Materials science and engineering
    Reading Material  Brief introduction to materials science
  Unit 1.2  Text  Classification of materials
    Reading Material  Biomaterials
  Unit 1.3  Text  The structure of the atom
    Reading Material   "Why didn't we think to do this earlier?" chemists thrilled by speedy atomic structures
Chapter 2  Metallic Materials and Alloys
  Unit 2.1  Text  Introduction to metals and alloys
    Reading Material  The hydrogen storage alloys for electrochemical applications
  Unit 2.2  Text  Thermal equilibrium diagram
    Reading Material  Failure analysis on leaked titanium tubes of seawater heat exchangers
  Unit 2.3  Text  Characters of metallic materials- ductility,malleability, and corrosion
    Reading Material  Revisiting the effect of molybdenum on pitting resistance of stainless steels
  Unit 2.4  Text  Superalloys and nonferrous alloys
    Reading Material  High-entropy alloys
  Unit 2.5  Text  Metal-matrix composites
    Reading Material  Mechanical behavior of particle reinforced metal matrix comoosites
Chapter 3  Ceramics
  Unit 3.1  Text  Introduction to ceramics
  Unit 3.2  Text  Bioceramics
    Reading Material  High-entropy ceramics
  Unit 3.3  Text  3D-printing technologies for ceramics
  Unit 3.4  Text  Ceramics solid electrolytes
Chapter 4  Polymers
  Unit 4.1  Text  Introduction to polymers
    Reading Material  Polymer crystallinity
  Unit 4.2  Text  Methods for synthesis of polymers
    Reading Material  Step-growth polymerization
  Unit 4.3  Text  Structures and properties of polymers
    Reading Material  History of polymers and their typical synthesis approaches
  Unit 4.4  Text  Polymers for food packaging
    Reading Material  Biopolymers and their potential as a packaging material
  Unit 4.5  Text  Photocontrol of fluid slugs in liquid crystal polymer microactuators
Chapter 5  Biomaterials
  Unit 5.1  Text  Biomaterials and biomaterials science
    Reading Material  Make better, safer biomaterials
  Unit 5.2  Text  Traditional and new biomaterials
    Reading Material  3D printing metallic imPlants: Technologies available and the future of the industry
  Unit 5.3  Text  Medical applications of biomaterials
    Reading Material  Biomaterials for tissue repair
Chapter 6  Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, and Nanomaterials
  Unit 6.1  Text  Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology
    Reading Material  Carbon dots
  Unit 6.2  Text  Classification of nanomaterials
    Reading Material  3D nanomaterials fabricated by rolled-up
  Unit 6.5  Text  Nanographenes and optoelectronic devices
    Reading Material  Catalytic nanozymes
Chapter 7  Material Characterization Methods
  Unit 7.1  Text  Introduction to spectroscopic methods
    Reading Material  X-ray absorption spectroscopy
  Unit 7.2  Text  Operando spectroscopy
  Unit 7.3  Text  Introduction to microscopic methods
    Reading Material  Microscopic aberrations
  Unit 7.4  Text  Modern in situ characterization techniques
    Reading Material  Ultrafast transmission electron microscope and diffraction

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