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  • 作者:編者:朱佩珍//徐騰飛|責編:薛飛麗
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030478436
  • 出版日期:2023/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:188
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Study Situation 1
  1.1  Small Commodities Export Transaction
    Task 1  Inquiry and Offer
    Task 2  Signing Contract
    Task 3  Payment
    Task 4  Packing
    Task 5  Sending Shipping Documents
    Task 6  Transaction Review
    Task 7  Cross-border E-commerce Business
    Specimen Letters & E-mails
    Important Words and Phrases
    Useful Expressions
  1.2  Power Tools Export Transaction
    Task 1  Establishing Business Relations
    Task 2  Inquiry and Offer
    Task 3  Counter-offer
    Task 4  Signing Contract
    Task 5  Check and Amendment of L/C
    Task 6  Shipment
    Task 7  Insurance
    Task 8  Gross-border E-commerce Business
    Specimen E-mails
    Important Words and Phrases
    Useful Expressions
  1.3  Textiles Export Transactions
    Task 1  Signing Contract
    Task 2  Committing Advance Payment
    Task 3  Sending Shipping Advice
    Task 4  Complaints and Adjustments
    Task 5  Collecting the Balance
    Task 6  RFQ
    Task 7  Complaints
    Specimen E-mails
    Important Words and Phrases
    Useful Expressions
Study Situation 2
  2.1  Processing with Supplied Materials
    Task 1  Plan on Marketing
    Task 2  Negotiation
    Task 3  Signing Contract
    Important Words and Phrases
    Useful Expressions

  2.2  Processing with Imported Materials
    Task 1  Inquiry
    Task 2  Acceptance
    Task 3  Signing Contract
    Task 4  Applying for Issuing an L/C
    Task 5  Requesting Documents
    Task 6 Signing S/C
    Task 7  Sending Shipping Advice
    Task 8  Transaction Review
    Important Words and Phrases
    Useful Expressions
Study Situation 3
  3.1  General Agency
    Taskl  Transaction Review
    Task 2  Negotiation on General Agency
    Task 3  Drafting a General Agency Agreement
    Important Words and Phrases
    Useful Expressions
  3.2  Sole Agency
    Task 1  Transaction Review
    Task 2  Negotiation on Sole Agency
    Task 3  Drafting a Sole Agency Agreement
    Important Words and Phrases
    Useful Expressions
Appendix A  Commonly Used Vocabulary in International Trade
Appendix B  Major Ports of the World
Appendix C  Commonly Used Contracts and Agreements
Appendix D  Relative Documents and Credits

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