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  • 作者:袁帥|責編:付紹瑜
  • 出版社:中國海洋大學
  • ISBN:9787567035577
  • 出版日期:2023/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:160
人民幣:RMB 48.9 元      售價:


    袁帥     上海對外經貿大學國際商務外語學院教師,翻譯碩士(MTI)研究生導師。上海外國語大學英語語言文學博士,國家留學基金委員會「國家建設高水平大學公派研究生」項目英國劍橋大學聯合培養。主要研究方向為心理語言學和口譯理論與實踐。承擔「上海高校青年教師培養資助計劃」等項目,在《上海翻譯》等期刊發表學術論文多篇。

Chapter One Introduction
  1.1  Research Background
  1.2  Purposes and Research Questions
  1.3  Organization of the Study
Chapter Two  Literature Review
  2.1  Key Terms Defined
    2.1.1  Bilingual
    2.1.2  Speech Production
    2.1.3  Lexical Access
    2.1.4  Priming
    2.1.5  Bilingual Language Control
  2.2  Theories of Speech Production
    2.2.1  Monolingual Speech Production Models
    2.2.2  Bilingual Speech Production Models
  2.3  Research on the BLC Mechanism
    2.3.1  Nature of the BLC Mechanism
    2.3.2  Scope oftheBLC Mechanism
    2.3.3  Behavioral After-effects of the BLC Mechanism
    2.3.4  Research Paradigms and Methodology
  2.4  Limitations of Previous Research
  2.5  Summary
Chapter Three  Experiment Design
  3.1  Participants
  3.2  Materials
  3.3  Procedure
    3.3.1  Sequence
    3.3.2  Time
    3.3.3  Color Cue
  3.4  Data Collection and Pretreatment
Chapter Four Results
  4.1  Results of the Higher-L2-proficiency Group
    4.1.1  Start Block vs Return Block: New Items
    4.1.2  Start Block vs Return Block: Repeated Items
    4.1.3  Switch Block: New Items vs Repeated Items
    4.1.4  Cross-section Comparisons
  4.2  Results of the Lower-L2-proficiency Group
    4.2.1  Start Block vs Return Block: New Items
    4.2.2  Start Block vs Return Block: Repeated Items
    4.2.3  Switch Block: New Items vs Repeated Items
    4.2.4  Cross-section Comparisons
  4.3  Comparison of the Two Participant Groups
    4.3.1  Similarities of the Two Groups
    4.3.2  Differences of the Two Groups
  4.4  Summary
Chapter Five  Discussion
  5.1  Nature of the BLC Mechanism
    5.1.1  Language Control of L1
    5.1.2  Language Control of L2
  5.2  Scope of the BLC Mechanism
  5.3  Behavioral After-effects of Language Switching

    5.3.1  Priming Effects
    5.3.2  Language Switching Effects
  5.4  The Role of L2 Proficiency
  5.5  Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
  6.1  Summary of the Present Study
  6.2  Major Findings of the Present Study
  6.3  Significance and Implications of the Present Study
  6.4  Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix Ⅰ  Participant Consent Form
Appendix Ⅱ  Language Background Questionnaire
Appendix Ⅲ  Pictures of the Experiment

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