幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:呂寧|責編:朱利鋒
  • 出版社:中國紡織
  • ISBN:9787522907642
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:103
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  The History of Foreign Language Teaching (FLT)
  1.1  The approach, method, and technique
  1.2  FLT methods mainly used in China
    1.2.1  The grammar-translation method
    1.2.2  The direct method
    1.2.3  The audio-lingual method
    1.2.4  The audiovisual method or the situational method
    1.2.5  The communicative approach
Chapter 2  Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC)
  2.1  Western researchers'study on ICC
    2.1.1  The definitions of ICC
    2.1.2  The components of ICC
    2.1.3  Discussion on western researches
  2.2  Chinese researchers'study on ICC
    2.2.1  Hu Wenzhong and Gao Yihong's research
    2.2.2  Jia Yuxin's research
    2.2.3  Wen Qiufang's research
    2.2.4  Zhao Aiguo and Jiang Yaming's research
    2.2.5  Yang Ying and Zhuang Enping's ICC model
    2.2.6  Discussion on Chinese researches
  2.3  ICC in FLT
Chapter 3  Intercultural Approach to FLT
  3.1  Concept of foreign language talents
    3.1.1  An analysis of the syllabus
    3.1.2  The current situation of foreign language talents
  3.2  Theoretical foundations
    3.2.1  The relationship among culture, language andcommunication
    3.2.2  The feature of intercultural communication study
  3.3  Teaching objectives
  3.4  Teaching methods
  3.5  Course books
  3.6  Classroom techniques
    3.6.1  Introducing cultural background
    3.6.2  Exploring cultural information in language
    3.6.3  Case study
    3.6.4  Role-plays and simulations
    3.6.5  Case diagnosis and resolution
  3.7  Teachers
Chapter 4  An Experimental Application of Intercultural Approach to FLT in the Classroom
  4.1  Preparation
  4.2  Procedure
  4.3  Data collection
  4.4  Data analysis
    4.4.1  Mean score
    4.4.2  T-test
  4.5  Results and discussion
  4.6  Conclusion
Chapter 5  Challenges of Intercultural Approach to FLT in theDigital Time
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Methodology

    5.2.1  Participants
    5.2.2  Questionnaire
  5.3  Results
    5.3.1  Teaching mode
    5.3.2  Course resource
    5.3.3  Platform and technology
    5.3.4  Satisfaction to the teaching effectiveness
  5.4  Problems in the online teaching of Chinese colleges
    5.4.1  Not forming the habit of online teaching and learning
    5.4.2  The practicability of course resource need to be enhanced
    5.4.3  Similar functions and lacking of characteristics
    5.4.4  Informational competence to be promoted
    5.4.5  Lacking research on online teaching
  5.5  Strategies in online education development
    5.5.1  Forming the habit of online teaching and learning by application of recorded teaching and live teaching
    5.5.2  Upgrade the function of teaching resources and platforms by deleting, revising, and constructing
    5.5.3  Improving college teachers' informational qualification by competition, training, and daily practice
    5.5.4  Encourage online teaching research by transforming researchachievements

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