幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:宋纓|責編:白周兵|總主編:黃立鶴//吳贇
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302643654
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:251
人民幣:RMB 69 元      售價:



Chapter 1  The Immune System
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts
    Text A  Understanding the Immune System
    Text B  How to Boost Your Immune System
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture
    A Small Experiment
Chapter 2  Preventive Medicine
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts
    Text A  Preventive Health Care and Its Value
    Text B  Heart-health Screenings
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture
    Some Misunderstandings
Chapter 3  Chronic illnesses
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts
    Text A  A Brighter Holiday After a Pulmonary Hypertension Surgery
    Text B  A Sudden Detour for Heart Transplant
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture
    The Benefits of Learning Chunks
Chapter 4  Cancers
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts
    Text A  You Have to Have Faith to Survive
    Text B  A Difficult Journey as an AML Patient
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture
    The Categories of Chunks (Idioms and Collocations)
Chapter 5  Alternative Medicine
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts
    Text A  Herbal Therapy
    Text B  Benefits of Oncology Massage
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture Binomials
Chapter 6  Nutrition
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts
    Text A  How Nutrition Plays a Role in Our Health
    Text B  How I Learned to Manage Anemia
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture
    The Categories of Chunks (Sentence Builders and Sub-technical Chunks)
Chapter 7  Mental Health
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts

    Text A  OCD: The Monster in My Mind
    Text B  Helping Someone with Depression
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture
    How to Group Chunks in a Vocabulary Notebook
Chapter 8  Medical Ethics
  Part 1  Pre-reading Tasks
  Part 2  Texts
    Text A  Medical Ethics Education Is Important
    Text B  Complex Ethical Decisions
  Part 3  Post-reading Exercises
  Part 4  Mini-lecture
    Final Words on Chunks

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