幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:李君如|責編:易卉
  • 出版社:社科文獻
  • ISBN:9787522819860
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:529
人民幣:RMB 198 元      售價:



Ⅰ  General Report
    B.1  The Communist Party of China Fighting for the Universal Human Rights of the Chinese People
Ⅱ Special Reports
  (I) The Right to Survival and Development
    B.2  Poverty Alleviation Created a Remarkable Human Rights Miracle in History
    B.3  Building of the 「Demonstration Zone for Common Prosperity」 in Zhejiang Promotes the Realisation of the Right to Equal Development
  (II) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
    B.4  The Law on the Promotion of Basic Medical and Health Care and New Development of Legalization of the Rights to Public Health Blue Book of China's Human Rights
    B.5  New Progress of Rural Old-Age Security
  (III) Civil and Political Rights
    B.6  Guarantee of Democratic Rights in the 2021 General Election of County and Township People's Congresses
    B.7  Review on the Five-year Implementation of the Law Against Domestic Violence: chievements and Challenges
  (IV) Rights of Specifi c Groups
    B.8  Protection of Rights of De Facto Unattended Children
    B.9  Livable Environment for the Elderly and Protection of Their Rights
  (V) Big Data and Protection of Human Rights
    B.10  Progress and Achievements of Citizen Information Security
    B.11  Protection of the Elderly's Information Right Under the 「Digital Divide」
  (VI) Human Rights Legislation and International Cooperation
    B.12  National Human Rights Legislation Analysis Report 2021
    B.13  China's International Human Rights Cooperation and Exchanges in 2021
    B.14  China's International Cooperation on COVID-19 Vaccines and Its Contribution to the Building of a Community of Common Health for Mankind
Ⅲ Case Studies and Investigation Reports
    B.15  From Steady Poverty Alleviation to Sustained Income Increase——A Livelihood Survey of Farmers and Herdsmen in Taer Township, Aketedu County, Xinjiang
    B.16  Practical Progress of China's Responsible Mineral Supply Chain——An Investigation Report on Human Rights Due Diligence Management of China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals Chemicals Importers & Exporters
Ⅳ  Appendix
    B.17  Chronicle of Human Rights in China·2021

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