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  • 作者:編者:劉強//趙麗麗|責編:蔣璐璐|總主編:賀春英
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521344264
  • 出版日期:2023/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:151
人民幣:RMB 53.9 元      售價:



Unit 1  Love
  Passage 1  How Feeling Unloved as a Child Relates to Adult Depression
  Passage 2  A Brother like That
  Passage 3  Paper Cranes
  Passage 4  Five Great Honeymoon Ideas
  Passage 5  Five Ways to Heal from a Broken Heart
Unit 2  Pets
  Passage 1  Why We Spend More and More on Pets
  Passage 2  The Secret Life of Pets: What Goes On Inside Their Heads?
  Passage 3  Seven Ways to Save Money at the Vet's Office
  Passage 4  Happiness Really Is a Warm Puppy
  Passage 5  Dog Aids Disabled Owner by Doing Household Chores
Unit 3  Lifestyle
  Passage 1  "Go Greener" for a More Spiritual, Low-Carbon Lifestyle
  Passage 2  Western Diet Bad for Human Health and Environment
  Passage 3  Lose Weight by Learning Your Body's Hunger Cues
  Passage 4  Tiny House, Happy Life?
  Passage 5  Weekend in America
Unit 4  Internet
  Passage 1  Parents, Adolescents, and the Internet
  Passage 2  Mobile Office
  Passage 3  Cyberbullying: A Growing Problem
  Passage 4  Internet Band
  Passage 5 How Can You Protect Privacy Online?
Unit 5  Travel
  Passage 1  The Most Beautiful Highway in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
  Passage 2  Five Best Places to Stay for Families
  Passage 3  Tanzania, a Wonderland in Africa
  Passage 4  Slow Motion Makes You Appreciate It
  Passage 5  How to Stop Age from Getting in the Way of Travel
Unit 6  Health
  Passage 1  Eight Ways to Motivate Yourself to Be Healthy
  Passage 2  Natural Defenses
  Passage 3  Water, the Nutrient of Life
  Passage 4  In Heart Disease, the Focus Shifts to Women
  Passage 5  Is Second-Hand Smoke Child Abuse?
Unit 7  Sports
  Passage 1  Six Stretches to Do First Thing in the Morning
  Passage 2  How Much You Need to Walk Every Day to Cut Your Risk of Heart Disease
  Passage 3  Who Invented Ice Hockey?
  Passage 4  What Makes People Do Extreme Sports?
  Passage 5  The Meaning of Olympic Rings
Unit 8  Future World
  Passage 1  Are Self-Driving Cars Around the Corner?
  Passage 2  Where Is Comedy Going?
  Passage 3  Global Mindset, Shared Future
  Passage 4  The Future World Is a Crowded Place
  Passage 5 The Megatrends of the Future World

Key to the Exercises

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