幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:易人外語編輯部|責編:祝萍
  • 出版社:江蘇科技
  • ISBN:9787571336349
  • 出版日期:2023/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:300
人民幣:RMB 49.8 元      售價:



Level 1
  1  There be (not)...(沒)有……
    There is a girl. 有一個女孩。
  2  主語+sound / feel / taste / look / smell (like)
    It tastes good. 這很好吃。
  3  What is / does...like? ……是什麼樣子?
    What does your boyfriend look like? 你男友看起來是什麼樣子?
  4  Would you like...? 你想要……嗎?
    Would you like to go shopping? 你想要去逛街嗎?
  5  How about / What about...? ……如何?
    How about getting a pet? 養一隻寵物如何?
  6  How long / soon / often...? 多長/快/常……?
    How long does it take to walk there? 走過去要多久?
  7  too...(+for sb. / sth.)+to... 太……以至於不能……
    This is too hard to do. 這太難了,不能做。
  8  (not)...+enough+名詞+to do sth.
    There is not enough time to eat all these. 時間不夠吃完這些。
  9  Let's / Let us...讓我們……
    Let's climb the tree. 讓我們爬這棵樹吧。
  10  Not both / all / every...不是兩個/全部/每個都……
    Not all birds can fly. 不是每隻鳥都會飛。
  11  get+v. -ed...變得……
    I got surprised at the news. 我因為這個消息而感到驚訝。
  12  Once...一旦……
    Once you arrive, we'll start the meeting. 一旦你抵達,我們就開始會議。
  特別收錄!  五大詞性與五大句型
Level 2
  13  What's the matter (with)...? ……怎麼了?
    What's the matter with you? 你怎麼了?
  14  It doesn't matter (if / whether)...(無論)……都沒關係。
    It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not. 無論他同不同意都沒關係。
  15  (It is) no wonder (that)...難怪……
    No wonder you're so late. 難怪你遲到那麼久。
  16  It takes (sb.)+時間段+to do sth. 做……(某人)要花……(時間)
    It will take five days to drive there. 開車到那裡要花五天的時間。
  17  Why don't...? 何不……?
    Why don't we take a taxi? 我們何不搭計程車呢?
  18  What do you think of / about...? 你對……有什麼看法?
    What do you think about the movie? 你對這部電影有什麼看法?
  19  Will / Would you (please)...? 可以請你……嗎?
    Would you please take me to the hospital? 可以請你帶我去醫院嗎?
  20  as...as possible 盡可能地……
    Go see a doctor as soon as possible. 儘快去看醫生。
  21  ... as soon as...一……就……
    I recognized her as soon as I saw her. 我一看到她就認出她了。
  22  so+助動詞+主語 也做了……
    She cried, and so did the others. 她哭了,其他人也哭了。

  23  It be+時間段+before...要再過(時間段)才……
    It will be six months before we meet again. 要再過六個月我們才會再見。
  24  It be+not long before...不久后……
    It was not long before we fell asleep. 不久后我們就睡著了。
  25  及物動詞+人/物+名詞
    I thought him a fool. 我覺得他是個傻瓜。
  26  及物動詞+人/物+形容詞
    I found the dog very big. 我覺得這狗很大。
  特別收錄!  陳述句兩大結構與疑問句四大類型
Level 3
  27  unless...除非……
    I can't finish it unless you help me. 除非你幫我,不然我做不完。
  28  whether...or...無論是……還是……
    We don't know whether we should go left or right. 我們不知道我們該往左走還是往右走。
  29  Isn't (Don't / Can't / Won't...)+sb. / sth.... ? ……不是嗎?/難道不……嗎?
    Isn't it a nice day? 今天天氣真好,不是嗎?
  30  What / How...! 真是……啊!
    How lovely she is! 她真是可愛啊!
  31  Do / Would you mind...? 你介意……嗎?
    Do you mind if I sit here? 你介意我坐這裡嗎?
  32  not only...but also...不但……還……
    He is not only tall but also fat. 他不但高,還很胖。
  33  It's+adj.+of / for sb.+to do sth. ……對……來說是很……的。
    It's important for us to drink a lot of water. 多喝水對我們來說是很重要的。
  34  I don't think / suppose / believe (that)... 我不覺得/認為/相信……
    I don't think he will be able to come today. 我不覺得他今天來得了。
  35  It's time (for sb.) to do sth.... 是時候做……了。
    It's time for you to clean your room. 是時候該清理你的房間了。
  36  It+be動詞+the+序數+time+that從句 這是……第(數字)次……
    It was the first time that I had seen an alien. 那是我第一次看到外星人。
  37  by the time...到了……的時候……
    By the time I got to the airport, the plane had taken off. 等我到機場的時候,飛機已經飛走了。
  38  so that...以……
    He gave his daughter a cat so that she would stop crying. 他給了他女兒一隻貓,好讓她不要一直哭。
  特別收錄!  please、let的祈使句與what、how的感嘆句
Level 4
  39  I wish (that)... 我真希望……
    I wish I had a better memory. 我真希望我的記憶力好一點。
  40  or / otherwise...不然……
    Hurry up, or you won't catch the train. 快點,不然你就趕不上火車了。
  41  more than...不只是……
    He is more than a friend. 他不只是個朋友。
  42  比較級+than...比……更……
    My bicycle is cheaper than yours. 我的自行車比你的便宜。
  43  the+比較級..., the+比較級...越……越……
    The more I eat, the fuller I get. 我越吃就越飽。
  44  I'm afraid (that)...恐怕……
    I'm afraid you're too late. 恐怕你已經太遲了。

  45  It is / was...that / who...是……的。
    It was Jason who ate it. 是傑森吃掉的。
  46  It is obvious / clear that...很明顯……
    It is obvious that she is sick. 她很明顯生病了。
  47  It is a pity (shame / surprise...) that...很可惜(遺憾/驚訝)……
    It is a surprise that she's younger than I am. 很令人驚訝的是,她比我還年輕。
  48  How / What / When...+can we / I do...? 我(們)可以……?
    How can I get to the station? 我可以如何到車站?
  49  There is no+名詞+(in)+動名詞...做(某事)沒有……
    There is no point in talking to him. 跟他說話沒有意義。
  50  sb.+情態動詞+have+動詞過去分詞...某人過去做某事……
    You must have been crazy to have done that. 你做出那種事,一定是瘋了。
  特別收錄!  16種時態:四種時間與四種方式

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