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  • 作者:張冉//牛軍偉|責編:呂笑娟
  • 出版社:鄭州大學
  • ISBN:9787564597023
  • 出版日期:2023/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:224
人民幣:RMB 52.5 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Background of the Study
  1.2  Statement of the Problem
  1.3  Rationale of the Study
  1.4  Research Objectives
  1.5  Research Questions
  1.6  Significance of the Study
Chapter 2  Literature Review
  2.1  Traditional View of Metaphor
  2.2  The Contemporary View of Metaphor
  2.3  Metaphor Identification Procedure
  2.4  Metaphoric Competence
  2.5  Conceptual Metaphor and College EFL Teaching
  2.6  Metaphor and Medical English
  2.7  Conceptual Framework for the Research
Chapter 3  Research Methodology
  3.1  Research Paradigm
  3.2  Research Design
  3.3  Supplementary Materials
  3.4  Research Setting
  3.5  The Study Population and Sample
  3.6  The Research Instruments
  3.7  Pilot Study
  3.8  Data Collection
  3.9  Data Analysis
  3.10  Ethical Considerations
Chapter 4  Implementation of Metaphor Enriched English Language Instruction
  4.1  Preparation, Implementation and Feedback for Metaphor Supplements of Unit 2
  4.2  Preparation,Implementation and Feedback for Metaphor Supplements of Unit 3
  4.3  Preparation,Implementation and Feedback for Metaphor Supplements of Unit 5
Chapter 5  Findings and Discussion
  5.1  Research Question 1 :What is Students' Current Metaphoric Cognition with the First-year College Students at Xinxiang Medical University China?
  5.2  Research Question 2 :What is the Effect of Metaphor Enr/ched Language Instruction on First-year Medical Students' Metaphoric Competence?
  5.3  Research Question 3 :What are the Teachers' Performance and Reflection on the Metaphor Enriched Language Instruction?
  5.4  Research Question 4 :What are the Students' Feedback on the Metaphor Enriched Language Instruction Supplementary Materials?
Chapter 6  Conclusions and Recommendations
  6.1  Implications
  6.2  Recommendations
  6.3  Suggestions for Further Research
List of Abbreviations
  Appendix A  Semi-structured Interview Protocol
  Appendix B  Metaphor Cognition Questionnaire
  Appendix C  Metaphoric Competence Test
  Appendix D  Classroom Observation Checklist
  Appendix E  Student Feedback Questionnaire
  Appendix F  The Transcript of Students' Role Play on Heart Problem (Ms Liu's Class)
  Appendix G  The Transcript of Students' Role Play on Heart Problem (Ms Wang's Class)

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