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  • 作者:(美)弗雷德里克·莫斯特勒//約翰·圖基|責編:陳亮//劉葉青
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519296070
  • 出版日期:2023/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:588
人民幣:RMB 119 元      售價:



1  Approaching Data Analysis
  1A  The staircase and the shortcut to inference
  1B  Student's true contribution
  1C  Distributions and their troubles
  1D  A classical example: Wilson and Hilferty's analysis of Peirce's data
  1E  Kinds of nonnormality and robustness
  1F  The role of vague concepts
  1G  Other vague concepts
  1H  Indication, determination, or inference
  Summary: Data analysis
2  Indication and Indicators
  2A  The value of indication
  2B  Examples of stopping with indication
  2C  Concealed inference
  2D  Choice of indicators
  2E  An example of choice of indicator
  2F  Indications of quality: Cross-validation
  Summary: Indication and indicators
3  Displays and Summaries for Batches
  3A  Stem-and-leaf.
  3B  Medians, hinges, etc.
  3C  Mids and spreads
  3D  Subsampling
  3E  Exploratory plotting
  3F  Trends and running medians
  3G  Smoothing nonlinear regressions
  3H  Looking for patterns
  3I  Residuals more generally
  3J  Plotting and smoothing
  Summary: Batch summaries and displays
4  Stralghtening Curves and Plots
  The iden of straightening out curves
  4A  The ladder of re-expressions
  4B  Re-expressing y=x2
  4C  The bulging rule
  4D  More complicated curves
  4E  Scatter plots
  Summary: Straightening curves
5  The Practice of Re-Expression
  5A  Kinds of numbers
  5B  Quick logs
  5C  Quick (square) roots and reciprocals
  5D  Quick re-expressions of counted fractions, percentages, etc.
  5E  Matching for powers and logs
  5F  Re-expressions for grades
  5G  Re-expressing ranks
  5H  First aid in re-expression
  5I  What to do with zeros—and infinities
  Summary: Re-expression

6  Need We Re-Express?
  General hints when re-expressed carrier is logx
7  Hunting out the Real Uncertainty
  7A  How ?/Vn can mislead
  7B  A further example of the need for direct assessment of variability
  7C  Choosing an error term
  7D  More detailed choices of error terms
  7E  Making direct assessment possible
  7F  Difficulties with direct assessment
  7G  Supplementary uncertainty and its combination with internal uncertainty
  Summary: Hunting out the real uncertainty
8  A Method of Direct Assessment
  8A  The jackknife
    Appendix to 8A
  8B  Examples with individuals
  8C  Jackknife using groups: Ratio estimation for a sample survey
  8D  A more complex example
  8E  Cross-validation in the example
  8F  Two simultaneous uses of "leave out one"
  8G  Dispersion of the p's
  8H  Further discussion of the example
  Summary: The jackknife
9  Two- and More-Way Tables
  9A  PLUS analyses
  9B  Looking at two-way PL.US analyses
  9C  Taking advantage of levels
  9D  Polishing additive fits
  9E  Fitting one more constant
  9F  Using re-expression
  9G  Three- and more-way analyses
  Summary:Two-way tables of responses
10  Robust and Resistant Measures
  10A  Resistance
  10B  Robustness
  10C  Robust and resistant estimates of location
  10D  Robust estimates of scale
  10E  Robust and resistant intervals
  10F  Resistant and robust regression
  10G  Multiple-component data
  10H  Closing comment
  Summary: Resistant and robust techniques
11  Standardizing for Comparison
  11A  The simplest case
  11B  Direct standardization
  11C  Precision of directly standardized values
  11D  Difficulties with direct standardization
  11E  Indirect standardizing
  11F  Adjustment for broad categories
  11G  More than two broad categories
  Summary: Standardizing for comparison

12  Regression for Fitting
  12A  The two meanings of regression
  12B  Purposes of regression
  12C  Graphical fitting by stages
  12D  Collinearity
  12E  Linear dependence, exact and approximate
  12F  Keeping out what is imprecisely measured–Regression as exclusion
  *12G  Which straight line? (Optional)12H Using subsamples
13  Woes of Regression Coefficients
  13A  Meaning of coefficients in multiple regression
  13B  Linear adjustment as a mode of descripfion
  13C  Examples of linear adjustment
  13D  The relative unimportance of the exact carrier
  13E  Proxy phenomena
  13F  Sometimes x's can be "held constant"
  13G  Experiments, closed systems, and physical versus socialsciences, with examples
  *13H  Estimated variances are not enough
  Summary: Woes of regression coefficients
14  A Class of Mechanisms for Fitting
  14A  Fitting lines—some through the origin
  14B  Matching as a way of fitting
  14C  Matchers tuned to a single coefficient—and catchers
  14D  Ordinary least squares
  14E  Tuning for ordinary least squares
  14F  Weighted least squares
  14G  Influence curves for location
  14H  Iteratively weighted linear least squares
  14I  Least absolute deviations (Optional)
  14J  Analyzing troubles
  14K  Proof of the statement of Section 13B
  Summary: Mechanisms for fitting regression
15  Guided Regression
  15A  How can we be guided in what to fit?
  15B  Stepwise techniques
  15C  All-subset techniques
  15D  Combined techniques
  15E  Rearranging carriers—judgment components
  15F  Principal components
  15G  How much we are likely to learn?
  15H  Several y's or several studies
  15I  Regression starting where?
  15J  Arbitrary adjustment
  Summary: Guided regression
16  Examining Regression Residuals
  16A  Examiningy
  16B  Variables—and other carriers
  16C  The next step: Looking with regard to an old variable, tas
  16D  Looking with regard to a new variable, trew

  16E  Looking for additional product terms
  16F  In what order?
  Summary: Examining regression residuals
Appendix: Details About the Need to Re-Express
Data Exhibits for Problems

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