幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:林晶|責編:董唯
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308230759
  • 出版日期:2022/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:214
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  The "erasure" and "reminding" of animals
  1.2  Anthropomorphism in animal representation
  1.3  Understanding animal narratives
  1.4  Research questions
  1.5  Methodological layouts
  1.6  The organization of the book
Chapter 2  Literature Review
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Studies on animal representation in literature
  2.3  Studies on the linguistic dimension of animal representation
  2.4  Studies on Shen Shixi's animal narratives
  2.5  Summary
Chapter 3  Theoretical Foundation
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Animal world. discursive representation and human society
  3.3  Discursive representation. social cognition and manipulation
  3.4  Discursive strategies. linguistic coercion and conceptualization
  3.5  Toward an ecological critical-cognitive discourse analysis model of animal representation
  3.6  Summary
Chapter 4  Representation Strategies in Anthropomorphic Representation of Animal Images
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Referential strategies
  4.3  Predication strategies
  4.4  Summary
Chapter 5  Legitimization of Anthropomorphic Representation of Animal Images
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Legitimizing anthropomorphic representation of animals through implication.presupposition and inferencing: The use of grammatical cohesion
  5.3  Legitimizing anthropomorphic representation of animals through objectification: The use of evidentiality
  5.4  Legitimizing anthropomorphic representation of animals through subjectification: The use of epistemic modality
  5.5  Summary
Chapter 6  Metaphorical Conceptualization of Anthropomorphic Representation of Animal Images
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Metaphor as the way of conceptualizing animals in animal narratives
  6.3  Impositive metaphor "humans are animals": Conceptualizing animal world as the projected human society in Dreom of the Wolf King
  6.4  Approximative metaphor "animals are more or less the same as humans": Conceptualizing animals as being more or less identified with humans in Gorge Leoping Gorols
  6.5  Summary
Chapter 7  Ecological Attribute of Anthropomorphic Representation of Animal Images in Shen Shixi's Animal Narratives
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  Anthropomorphic representation of animals in Shen Shixi's animal narratives: Negotiation between the human perspective and the animal perspective
  7.3  Rethinking human-animal relationship: On Chinese ecosophy
  7.4  Toward an ecologically harmonious discursive representation
  7.5  Summary
Chapter 8  Conclusion
  8.1  Overview of the present study
  8.2  Major findings of the present study
  8.3  Significance of the present study
  8.4  Limitations and future direction

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