幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:周潔|責編:衛昱|總主編:鄭樹棠//胡全生
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521324679
  • 出版日期:2021/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:186
人民幣:RMB 55.9 元      售價:

    《讀寫教程》每單元圍繞一個主題編寫,由Leading In and Exploring the Topic,Section A,Section B 和Section C四大部分構成。
    Leading In and Exploring the Topic為話題導入和探索部分,提供與單元主題相關的討論話題、會話及聽力練習,引導學生熟悉主題並積极參与本單元的話題討論。
    Section A包含課文A和相關的閱讀理解、辭彙、短語、句型、句子翻譯等練習。這一部分中的基本寫作訓練(Basic Writing Skills)旨在鞏固學生的語法知識,提高學生的基本寫作能力。
    Section B包含課文B和相關的閱讀理解、辭彙、短語等練習。
    Section C為實用寫作訓練,旨在培養學生閱讀、寫作和翻譯應用文的能力,內容包括表格、名片、賀卡、簡歷、信函、廣告、公告及產品介紹等多種常見應用文體。預備級為聽寫和聽力理解題,選材圍繞課文主題,讓學生進一步鞏固課文內容。


Unit 1 Going to College
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:How to Be Cool at College
  Section B
    Text B:Hi,I'm New Here!
  Section C
    Practical Writing: Understanding and Filling in Registration Forms
Unit 2 Learning English: Some Advice and Suggestions
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:If You Don't Make Mistakes,You Won't Learn!
  Section B
    Text B:How to Learn English from Movies
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Writing a Business Card
Unit 3 Learning a Lesson from Unusual Stories
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:Wealth,Success or Love?
  Section B
    Text B:Silly Mr.Smith
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Writing Notes(1)
Unit 4 Science and Technology
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us
  Section B
    Text B:Five Modern Time-savers That Really Aren't
  Section C
    Practical Writing: Writing Notes(2)
Unit 5 I Love This Game!
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:A Winning Personality
  Section B
    Text B:Michael Jordan and Me
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Address Format
Unit 6 Celebration of Holidays
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:Happy New Year
  Section B
    Text B:Christmas Traditions
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Writing Personal Letters (1)
Unit 7 Social Activities on Campus
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic

  Section A
    Text A:Meeting New People on Campus
  Section B
    Text B:Silence on the Court
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Writing Personal Letters(2)
Unit 8 Body Language in Communication
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:Body Language in Daily Use
  Section B
    Text B:Using Gestures to Communicate
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Writing Telephone Messages
Unit 9 New Jobs Today
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:Low on Cash? Try Paris for a Holiday!
  Section B
    Text B:Mystery Customers Are Everywhere
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Writing Cards for Different Occasions
Unit 10 Gender Differences
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic
  Section A
    Text A:Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently?
  Section B
    Text B:Different Ways of Talking
  Section C
    Practical Writing:Understanding and Writing Signs
Chinese Wisdom

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