幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:蘇亞娟|責編:王揚帆
  • 出版社:廈門大學
  • ISBN:9787561590485
  • 出版日期:2023/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:153
人民幣:RMB 66 元      售價:



  Ⅰ.The History of Asian American Theatre
  Ⅱ. The Studies of Asian American Plays
  Ⅲ.Theoretical Discussion of Idealization,Misrepresentationand Mystification
Chapter One Idealization: The Inducement to Stereotypes
  I. The "ldealization" under Double Pressures in The Year of the Dragon
    i. The "Idealization" under Racial Discrimination
    ii. The 「Idealization" under Patriarchy
    iii. Fred's Resistance to the Imposed 「Idealization"
  Ⅱ. The Positive Idealization in Velina Hasu Houston's Teai. The Mimicry of Being American-The Positive Idealization
    ii. Sacrifice for the Idealization
    iii. The Critical Mimicry-Tearing Up the Fake Idealization
  Ⅲ. The Negative Idealization in Wakako Yamauchi's And the Soul Shall Dance
    i. Hana's Active Silence
    ii. Emiko's Passive Silence
    iii.Breaking the Silence
Chapter Two Misrepresentation: The Obstacle of Search?ng for Identity
  Ⅰ. Creating a New ldentity through Misrepresentationin The Chickencoop Chinaman
    i. Father's Misrepresentationi
    ii. Ovaltine's Barefaced Lie
    iii. Tam's Searching for Cultural Identity
  Ⅱ. The Circle of Misrepresentation in Yankee Dawg You Die
    i. The Misrepresentation of Vincent's Performing Self
    ii. Legitimating the Misrepresentation
    iii. The Awakening in Misrepresentation
  Ⅲ. Searching for Cultural Identity under Misrepresentationin Dogeaters
    i. "Dogeaters": The Misrepresentation to Distort Filipino Identity
    ii. Misrepresenting Filipino Identity through "Manhood"
    iii. Searching for a New Cultural Identity
Chapter Three Mystification: The Disguise of Racism
  I . The Artifice of Western Racism in China Doll
    i. Mystification: The Strategy of Racism
    ii. Searching for White Masks
    iii. Disclosing the Secret of Mystification
  Ⅱ . The Manipulation of Mystification in M. Butterfly
    i. Song's Marked Body
    ii. Clothes; The Protection to Mystification
    iii. Gallimard's Insistence on His Fantasy
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