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  • 作者:編者:操禮林|責編:孫文婷
  • 出版社:江蘇大學
  • ISBN:9787568417402
  • 出版日期:2023/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:216
人民幣:RMB 50 元      售價:

    The course of building architecture is not only a compulsory course for civil engineering and architecture majors, but also an important basic course for non-architecture majors to introduce the relevant knowledge of architecture, which is of great significance in the teaching of civil engineering and architecture majors. This book describes the basic principles and methods of design and construction of civil and industrial buildings. The main contents include the plan design, section design, building shape and facade design, and the composition and construction of foundations, walls, stairs, floors,roofs, doors and windows.  The book compiles the architectural design and construction according to the general ideas from the overall to the details and from the basic principle to the design method.


CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Architectural Design
  1.1  Architectural elements
  1.2  Classification and grading of buildings
  1.3  Building modulus
  1.4  Basis of architectural design
  1.5  Contents and procedures of building design
CHAPTER 2  Architectural Plan Design
  2.1  Content of plan design
  2.2  Design of main room
  2.3  Design of auxiliary room
  2.4  Design of traffic connection part
  2.5  Combinatorial design of architectural plan
CHAPTER 3  Architectural Section Design
  3.1  Section shape of the room
  3.2  Height determination of each part of the house
  3.3  Layers of building
  3.4  Combination and utilization of architectural space
CHAPTER 4  Building Shape and Facade Design
  4.1  Factors affecting building shape and facade design
  4.2  Basic rules of architectural composition
  4.3  Building shape and facade design method
CHAPTER 5  Introduction to Architectural Construction
  5.1  Object and task of architectural construction research
  5.2  Basic composition of buildings and functions of each part
  5.3  Factors affecting architectural construction
  5.4  Architecture construction design principles
CHAPTER 6  Foundation and Basement
  6.1  Overview of foundation and foundation soil
  6.2  Type and construction of foundation
  6.3  Moisture-proof and waterproof treatment of basement
  7.1  Wall type and design requirements
  7.2  Construction of block wall
  7.3  Construction of partition wall
  7.4  Curtain wall
  7.5  Deformation joint
CHAPTER 8  Stair
  8.1  Basic knowledge of stair
  8.2  Construction of reinforced concrete stairs
  8.3  Detailed construction of stairs
  8.4  Elevator and escalator
CHAPTER 9  Floor

  9.1  Basic knowledge of floor
  9.2  Construction of ground
  9.3  Construction of reinforced concrete floor
  9.4  Construction of ceiling
  9.5  Balcony and canopy
CHAPTER 10  Roof
  10.1  Basic knowledge of roof
  10.2  Construction of flat roof
  10.3  Construction of pitched roof
CHAPTER 11  Design of Industrial Factory Building
  11.1  Basic knowledge of industrial building
  11.2  Plan design of single-story factory building
  11.3  Section design of single-story factory building
  11.4  Positioning axis of single-story factory building
  11.5  External shape design and internal space treatment of single-story factory building

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