Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Flotation 1.2 Flotation Application 1.3 Flotation Machines 1.4 Factors Affecting Flotation 1.5 Flotation Chemistry Chapter 2 Flotation Theory 2.1 Theory of Surface Hydrophobicity 2.1.1 Contact angle 2.1.2 Free energy 2.2 Theory of Surface Charge 2.2.1 Electrical charge 2.2.2 Electrical double layer 2.3 Theory of Mineral Adsorption 2.3.1 The kind of adsorption 2.3.2 CMC』s implication to flotation Chapter 3 Chemistry of Flotation Reagent 3.1 The Equilibration of Flotation Reagent in Solution 3.1.1 Acid-base theories 3.1.2 Balance equations for solution equilibria 3.1.3 pH value of solution of flotation reagent 3.1.4 Dissociation equilibrium of monobasic weak acid (base) 3.1.5 The diagram method of solution equilibria of reagent 3.2 Chemistry of Collector 3.2.1 Collectors and collector salts 3.2.2 Cationic collectors 3.2.3 Oxhydryl anionic collectors 3.2.4 Sulphydryl anionic collectors Chapter 4 Chemistry of Mineral Solution 4.1 Solubility of Minerals in Pure Water 4.1.1 Solubility of sulfide minerals 4.1.2 Solubility of oxide minerals 4.1.3 Solubility of salt minerals 4.2 The Effect of Mineral Dissolution on Flotation 4.2.1 pH value of pulp and its buffering properties 4.2.2 Mineral solubility and floatability 4.2.3 Activation of mineral dissolved ions 4.2.4 Influence of mineral dissolved ions on collector action 4.3 Chemical Reactions and Surface Mutual Transformation of Mineral Dissolved Ions in Mineral Surfaces 4.4 Logarithmic Concentration Diagram of Mineral Dissolved Components Chapter 5 Flotation Chemistry of Naturally Hydrophobic Minerals 5.1 Flotation of Hydrophobic Minerals 5.1.1 Naturally hydrophobic minerals 5.1.2 Sulfides in oxygen-deficient systems 5.1.3 Flotation and depression of naturally hydrophobic minerals 5.2 Flotation Practice of Coal 5.2.1 Floatability of coal 5.2.2 Coal flotation 5.3 Flotation Practice of Molybdenite 5.3.1 Floatability of molybdenite
5.3.2 Molybdenite flotation Chapter 6 Flotation Chemistry of Sulfide 6.1 General Considerations in Xanthate Adsorption 6.1.1 Oxygen-deficient system 6.1.2 Presence of oxygen 6.1.3 Electrochemical phenomena in sulfide systems 6.1.4 Effect of semiconductor property of sulphide mineral on xanthate adsorption 6.2 Flotation Chemistry of Galena 6.2.1 Galena flotation 6.2.2 Depression of galena flotation 6.3 Flotation Chemistry of Chalcocite 6.3.1 Chalcocite flotation 6.3.2 Depression of chalcocite flotation 6.4 Flotation Chemistry of Sphalerite 6.4.1 Sphalerite flotation 6.4.2 Activation 6.4.3 Prevention of activation 6.5 Flotation Chemistry of Pyrite 6.5.1 Pyrite flotation 6.5.2 Depression of pyrite flotation 6.6 Flotation Chemistry of Chalcopyrite 6.6.1 Chalcopyrite flotation 6.6.2 Depression of chalcopyrite flotation 6.7 Flotation Practice of Lead-Zinc Sulfide Ore Chapter 7 Flotation Chemistry of Insoluble Oxide and Silicate 7.1 Flotation Chemistry of Physical Adsorption 7.1.1 Flotation by physical adsorption 7.1.2 Modulation of flotation 7.2 Flotation Chemistry of Chemisorption 7.2.1 Flotation by chemisorption 7.2.2 Modulation of flotation 7.3 Quartz Flotation 7.3.1 Quartz flotation by physical adsorption 7.3.2 Quartz flotation by chemisorption Chapter 8 Flotation Chemistry of Semisoluble Salt 8.1 Flotation of Semisoluble Salt 8.1.1 Calcite and dolomite flotation 8.1.2 Apatite - collophane flotation 8.1.3 Fluorite flotation 8.1.4 Anglesite, cerussite and malachite flotation 8.2 Modifiers and Depressants 8.2.1 Inorganic modifiers and depressants 8.2.2 Organic modifiers and depressants Chapter 9 Flotation Chemistry of Soluble Salt 9.1 Flotation by Adsorption of Cation Collectors 9.2 Flotation by Adsorption of Anionic Collectors 9.3 Modulation of Flotation 9.4 Effect of Temperature on Flotation Chapter 10 Slime Coatings and Carrier Flotation 10.1 Slime Coatings