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  • 作者:編者:侯文崎//周德//溫偉斌//王寧波|責編:劉穎維|總主編:田紅旗
  • 出版社:中南大學
  • ISBN:9787548752530
  • 出版日期:2023/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:234
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Research objects and tasks of structural mechanics
  1.2  Brief history of structural mechanics
  1.3  ClassifiCation of loads
  1.4  Structure calculation diagram
  1.5  Types of supports and joints
  1.6  Structural classification
  Review questions
Chapter 2  Kinematical
  2.1  Overview
  2.2  Computational degrees of freedom for planar system
  2.3  Basic composition rules of geometrically stable systems
  2.4  Instantaneous unstable system
  2.5  Examples of kinematical analysis
  2.6  The case of virtual hinge at infinity in the system of three rigid pieces
  2.7  The relation between geometrical composition and statically determinate property
   Review questions
Chapter 3  Force analysis of satically determinate structures
  3.1  Overview
  3.2  Statically determinate beam
  3.3  Statically determinate arch
  3.4  Statically determinate plane truss
  3.5  Properties of statically determinate structures
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Chapter 4  Structural displacement calculation
  4.1  Overview
  4.2  Principles and applications of virtual work in rigid body system
  4.3  Principles of virtual work in deformed system
  4.4  General equations for displacement calculation, the unit load method
  4.5  Calculations of displacement of statically determinate structure under load
  4.6  Diagram multiplication method
  4.7  Displacement calculations of statically determinate structure when temperature changes
  4.8  Displacement calculations of statically determinate structure when support moves
  4.9  The reciprocal theorems of linear elastic structure
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Chapter 5  Influence lines for statically determinate structures
  5.1  Overview
  5.2  Drawing influence line of single-span statically determinate beam with the static method
  5.3  Influence line under indirect load
  5.4  Drawing influence line of single-span statically determinate beam with the kinematical method
  5.5  Influence line of multi-span statically determinate beam
  5.6  Influence line of trusses
  5.7  Calculations of the values of quantities utilizing influence line
  5.8  The most unfavorable load position
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Chapter 6  The force method

  6.1  Overview
  6.2  Determination of indeterminacy degrees
  6.3  Basic concept of the force method
  6.4  Typical equations of the force method
  6.5  Calculation steps and examples of the force method
  6.6  Utilization of symmetry
  6.7  Displacement calculations of statically indeterminate structures
  6.8  Check of the final internal force diagram
  6.9  Calculations of statically indeterminate structure when temperature change
  6.10  Calculations of statically indeterminate structure with support displacement
  6.11  The characteristics of the statically indeterminate structure
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Chapter 7  The displacement method
  7.1  Overview
  7.2  Slope-deflection equations of straight bar with equal cross section
  7.3  Basic unknowns and basic structures of the displacement method
  7.4  Typical equations and calculation steps of the displacement method
  7.5  Establishing the basic equations of the displacement method directly from equilibrium condition
  7.6  Utilization of symmetry
  Review questions

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