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  • 作者:(意)法比奧·庫佐林|責編:張永芹//邵長玲
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學
  • ISBN:9787576706772
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:231
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



  CHAPTER 1. Introduction
Part 1. Belief calculus
  CHAPTER 2. Shafer's mathematical theory of evidence
    1. Belief functions
    2. Dempster's rule of combination
    3. Simple and separable support functions
    4. Families of compatible frames of discernment
    5. Support functions
    6. Impact of the evidence
    7. Quasi support functions
    8. Consonant belief functions
  CHAPTER 3. State of the art
    1. The alternative interpretations of belief functions
    2. Frameworks and approaches
    3. Conditional belief functions
    4. Statistical inference and estimation
    5. Decision making
    6. Efficient implementation of belief calculus
    7. Continuous belief functions
    8. Other theoretical developments
    9. Relation with other mathematical theories of uncertainty
    10. Applications
Part 2. Advances
  CHAPTER 4. A geometric approach to belief calculus
    1. The space of belief functions
    2. Simplicial form of the belief space
    3. The bundle structure of the belief space
    4. Global geometry of Dempster's rule
    5. Pointwise geometry of Dempster's rule
    6. Applications of the geometric approach
    7. Conclusive comments
  CHAPTER 5. Algebraic structure of the families of compatible frames
    1. Axiom analysis
    2. Monoidal structure of families of frames
    3. Lattice structure of families of frames
    4. Semimodular structure of families of frames
  CHAPTER 6. Algebra of independence and conflict
    I. Independence of frames and Dempster's combination
    2. An algebraic study of independence of flames
    3. Independence on lattices versus independence of frames
    4. Perspectives
    5. Conclusive comments
Part 3. Visions
  CHAPTER 7. Data association and the total belief theorem
    1. The data association problem
    2. The total belief theorem
    3. The restricted total belief theorem
    4. Conclusive comments
  CHAPTER 8. Belief Modeling Regression

    1. Scenario
    2. Learning evidential models
    3. Regression
    4. Assessing evidential models
    5. Results on human pose estimation
    6. Discussion
    7. Towards evidential tracking
    8. Conclusive comments
Part 4. Conclusions
  CHAPTER 9. Conclusions

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