幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:文秋芳|責編:王茜
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521342093
  • 出版日期:2023/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:323
人民幣:RMB 69.9 元      售價:



PART Ⅰ  Introduction
  Chapter 1  Explaining what research is
    Definition of research
    Visualizing the research process
    Classifications of research
    Qualities of a good researcher
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 2  Fundamental concepts
    Hypothesis, theory, and model
    Population and sample
    Level of measurement
    After-reading activities
PART Ⅱ  Researching
  Chapter 3  Developing research questions
    Problems in question formation
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 4  Reading the literature
    Sources of literature
    Procedures for reviewing the literature
    Constructing a working bibliography
    Deciding on the scope
    Deciding what is for detailed reading
    Summarizing the information
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 5  Selecting research designs
    Quantitative and qualitative
    Links between questions and designs
    A mono-design and a mixed design
    Complexities in classifying designs
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 6  A survey study
    A brief description of a survey study
    Instrument designing: questionnaire
    Scaling techniques
    Selecting subjects
    Administering the questionnaire
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 7  An experimental study
    A brief description of an experimental study
    Validity in experimentation

    Types of experimental studies
    Procedures for an experimental study
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 8  A case study
    A brief description of a case study
    Selecting participants
    Collecting data
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 9  Basic statistics
    A brief description of statistics
    Descriptive statistics
    Inferential statistics
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 10  The analysis of quantitative data
    An overview of SPSS for Windows
    Analyzing the data of a questionnaire
    Analyzing the data of an experiment
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 11  The analysis of qualitative data
    Choices for analyzing qualitative data
    Data preparation
    Qualitative analysis
    Validity and reliability
    After-reading activities
PART Ⅲ  Thesis Writing
  Chapter 12  An overview of thesis writing
    Definition of thesis and dissertation
    The structure of a thesis
    Suggestions for writing a thesis within a time frame
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 13  Writing up a thesis/dissertation
    Writing an introduction
    Writing a literature review
    Describing methodology
    Reporting results and discussion
    Writing a conclusion
    After-reading activities
  Chapter 14  Writing styles and avoiding plagiarism
    Academic writing style
    APA writing format
    Avoiding plagiarism
    After-reading activities

Subject index
Author index

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