幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:劉欣|責編:浩南
  • 出版社:首都經貿
  • ISBN:9787563835119
  • 出版日期:2023/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:215
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Unit 1 History
  Lesson 1 A Brief History of Beijing
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
  Lesson 2 Hutongs and World Heritage Sites
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
Unit 2 Architecture
  Lesson 1 Historical Buildings in Beijing
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
  Lesson 2 New Buildings in Beijing
    SectionA Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
Unit 3 Customs
  Lesson 1 Traditional Festivals
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
  Lesson 2 Miaohuil Temple Fairs
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
Unit 4 Commerce
  Lesson 1 Historic Commercial Areas
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
  Lesson 2 The Grand Canal CBD
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
Unit 5 Food
  Lesson 1 Tasting Beijing's Delicacies
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer

  Lesson 2 Chinese Snacks DIY
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
Unit 6 Arts
  Lesson 1 Beijing Opera
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
  Lesson 2 Folk Arts VS. Contemporary Arts
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
Unit 7 Green Beijing
  Lesson 1 Low-Carbon Lifestyle
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
  Lesson 2 Green olympics
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
  Sect.ion C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
Unit 8 Science and Technology
  Lesson 1 Zhongguancun
    SectionA Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer
  Lesson 2 Science City
    Section A Starting Out
    Section B Watching and Speaking
    Section C Extended Activity
    Section D Culture Comer

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