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  • 作者:編者:王波//談向萍|責編:廉靜
  • 出版社:化學工業
  • ISBN:9787122108487
  • 出版日期:2011/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:151
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Unit 1  A Brief Introduce to Microelectronic Technology
  1.1  History About Microelectronics
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  1.2  Introduction To Some Courses
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  1.3  Reading Materials
  1.4  Unit Exercises
Unit 2  Semiconductor Device
  2.1  Semiconductor Diode
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  2.2  Transistors
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  2.3  Microwave and Photonic devices
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  2.4  Reading Materials
  2.5  Unit Exercises
Unit 3  Micro-electronic Technology
  3.1  Crystal Growth
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  3.2  Film Growth
    Technical words and Phrases
  3.3  Photolithography
    Technical words and Phrases
  3.4  Oxide Growth
    Technical words and Phrases
  3.5  Diffusion and Ion Implantation

    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  3.6  Etching
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  3.7  Reading Material
  3.8  Unit Exercises
Unit 4  Integrated Circuits
  4.1  Introduction of Integrated Circuits
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  4.2  Integrated circuit design and verification
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  4.3  Introduction of Cadence Tools
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  4.4  Reading Materials
  4.5  Unit Exercises
Unit 5  Microelectronic Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
  5.1  Introduction to MEMS
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  5.2  Materials for MEMS
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  5.3  Processes for Micromachining
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  5.4  Reading Materials
  5.5  Unit Exercises
Unit 6  Scientific and Technological Papers
  6.1  Film Thickness Tester

    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  6.2  WL13A0G10 Test System Option Manual
    Technical words and Phrases
    Notes to the text
  6.3  Reading Materials
  6.4  Unit Exercises
Appendix  Technical Vocabulary

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