幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(英)瓊·帕金森|責編:徐寧|總主編:(紐西蘭)顧永琦//余國興
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521342925
  • 出版日期:2023/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:192
人民幣:RMB 31 元      售價:



Chapter 1  What is English for Specific Purposes?
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  The defining features of English for Specific Purposes
  1.3  Why specificity?
  1.4  Summary of the chapter
  1.5  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 2  Needs analysis in ESP
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Why do we need to analyse our students' language learning needs?
  2.3  What is needs analysis?
    2.3.1  What are needs?
    2.3.2  Whose needs?
  2.4  What methods can we use to do a needs analysis?
    2.4.1  Who can teachers speak to in order to find out about learner needs?
    2.4.2  Methods of collecting data about learner needs
  2.5  Summary of the chapter
  2.6  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 3  Qualitative approaches to inves-tigating student needs
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Some examples of studies of ESP students' language needs using qualitative methods
    3.2.1  Using qualitative methods to investigate language needs at university: science students
    3.2.2  Using qualitative methods to investigate language needs at university: MBA students
    3.2.3  Using qualitative methods to investigate language needs in the workplace: auditors
    3.2.4  Using qualitative methods to investigate language needs in the workplace: nurses
  3.3  Summary of the chapter
  3.4  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 4  Curriculum development in ESP
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Developing the curriculum
    4.2.1  Understanding the context
    4.2.2  Developing curriculum relevant to the context
    4.2.3  Evaluating the curriculum
  4.5  Teacher professional development
  4.4  Summary of the chapter
  4.5  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 5  Approaches to curriculum design
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  A theme-based approach
  5.3  A genre-based approach
  5.4  An academic skills approach
  5.5  A notional-functional approach
  5.6  A critical approach
  5.7  Collaborating with disciplinary experts
  5.8  Summary of the chapter
  5.9  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 6  The use of genre analysis in ESP
  6.1  Introduction: what is genre?
  6.2  The linguistic features of a genre
    6.2.1  Genre structure: move analysis
    6.2.2  The grammatical and lexical features of a genre

  6.3  How teachers can promote students' genre awareness
    6.3.1  Teaching genre at school level
  6.4  Example of a written genre: email communication
  6.5  Example of a spoken genre: nurse-patient communication
  6.6  Summary of the chapter
  6.7  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 7  The contribution of register analysis to ESP
  7.1  Introduction
  7.2  Contribution of register analysis to teaching disciplinary texts at school
  7.3  Contribution of register analysis to teaching vocabulary in a university course
  7.4  Contribution of register analysis to course development for workplace training
  7.5  Contribution of register analysis to teaching grammar and register of professional discourse
  7.6  Teaching register features
  7.7  Summary of the chapter
  7.8  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 8  Materials development in ESP
  8.1  Introduction
  8.2  The process of materials development
    8.2.1  Why would available materials be unsuitable?
    8.2.2  Designing new materials
  8.3  Evaluating materials
  8.4  Some examples of materials design
  8.5  Summary of the chapter
  8.6  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 9  Assessment in ESP
  9.1  Introduction: why are specific purposes tests needed?
  9.2  Authenticity of task
  9.3  Specific purposes language and specific purposes background knowledge
  9.4  Writing assessment tasks
  9.5  Summary of the chapter
  9.6  What should a teacher do after reading this chapter?
Chapter 10 Conclusion
  Key principles of English for Specific Purposes that have been discussed in this book

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