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  • 作者:(英)彭妮·烏爾|責編:都楠楠
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521343205
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:325
人民幣:RMB 58 元      售價:

    本書由世界知名英語教學專家Penny Ur撰寫,共分20單元,每單元都以教學中的問題為導向,並輔之以言簡意賅的理論框架,再搭配豐富的教學實例、實踐建議和教學任務,使得本書堪稱一站式英語教學指南。無論是英語教師培訓者、職前英語教師,還是一線英語教師,都會從中獲得啟發與助益。


1  English teaching today: what do I need to know?
  1.1  Teaching priorities
  1.2  English as an international language
  1.3  Language-acquisition theories and teaching methodologies
  1.4  Computerized teaching materials
  1.5  Motivation
2  The lesson
  2.1  The lesson: different perspectives
  2.2  Functions of the teacher in the English language lesson
  2.3  Interaction patterns in the lesson
  2.4  Lesson preparation
  2.5  Written lesson plans
3  The text
  3.1  What is a text?
  3.2  Teaching the text: the goals
  3.3  Comprehension of content
  3.4  Language learning
  3.5  Discourse analysis
  3.6  Follow-up tasks
4  The task
  4.1  The language-learning task
  4.2  Task evaluation
  4.3  Organizing tasks
  4.4  Interest
  4.5  Homework
5  Teaching vocabulary
  5.1  What is vocabulary?
  5.2  What students need to learn: aspects of vocabulary knowledge
  5.3  How best to teach vocabulary: some facts and figures
  5.4  Presenting new vocabulary: selection and presentation
  5.5  Vocabulary review: consolidating andextending lexical knowledge
  5.6  Vocabulary assessment
6  Teaching grammar
  6.1  What is grammar?
  6.2  What students need to learn: standards of grammatical acceptability
  6.3  How best to teach grammar: explicit and implicit processes
  6.4  Presenting grammar: explanations
  6.5  Grammar practice: consolidating and automatizing grammatical knowledge 82
  6.6  Grammar assessment
7  Error correction
  7.1  Error correction: for and against
  7.2  Attitudes to error correction
  7.3  Student preferences
  7.4  Oral correction
  7.5  Written correction
8  Teaching listening
  8.1  Goals and problems in teaching listening
  8.2  Listening activity design (1): the text

  8.3  Listening activity design (2): the task
  8.4  Types of activities
  8.5  Adapting activities
9  Teaching speaking
  9.1  Goals and problems in teaching speaking
  9.2  Speaking activity design (1): topic and task
  9.3  Speaking activity design (2): sample activities
  9.4  Speaking activity design (3): presentations
  9.5  Pronunciation
10  Teaching reading
  10.1  What is reading?
  10.2  Beginning reading (1): phonemic awareness
  10.3  Beginning reading (2): practical principles
  10.4  Beginning reading (3):reading tasks
  10.5  Fluent reading
  10.6  Extensive reading
11  Teaching writing
  11.1  What is writing?
  11.2  Formal and informal writing
  11.3  Beginning writing: the letters
  11.4  Tasks that promote fluent writing
  11.5  Process writing
  11.6  Spelling and punctuation 163
12  Assessment and testing 167
  12.1  Functions and types of assessment
  12.2  Giving a grade
  12.3  Test design (1): testing accuracy
  12.4  Test design (2): testing comprehension and fluency
  12.5  Administering tests in class
13  The syllabus
  13.1  What is a syllabus?
  13.2  Types of language syllabus
  13.3  Using an approved syllabus
  13.4  Evaluating the syllabus
14  Materials
  14.1  How necessary is a coursebook?
  14.2  Coursebook evaluation and selection
  14.3  Adapting course materials
  14.4  Supplementary materials (1): paper
  14.5  Supplementary materials (2): digital
15  Teaching content
  15.1  Different kinds of content
  15.2  Cultural content
  15.3  Content and language integrated learning (CLL)
  15.4  Literature as a component of the English course
  15.5  Underlying messages
16  Classroom interaction
  16.1  Teacher questioning
  16.2  Group and pair work
  16.3  Individual work

  16.4  Blended learning
17  Classroom discipline
  17.1  What is classroom discipline?
  17.2  What teachers can do to create a disciplined classroom
  17.3  Dealing with discipline problems
  17.4  Discipline problems: episodes
18  Learner differences (1): age
  18.1  Differences between younger and older learners
  18.2  Teaching young learners
  18.3  Teaching adolescents
  18.4  Teaching adults
19  Learner differences (2): teaching heterogeneous (mixed) classes
  19.1  Differences between individual students in the heterogeneous class
  19.2  Problems and advantages
  19.3  Practical principles
  19.4  Teaching high and low achievers
20  Teacher development
  20.1  The first year of teaching
  20.2  Lesson observation
  20.3  Ongoing development
  20.4  Development through reading and further study
  20.5  Further development: your own contribution

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