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  • 作者:(美)約翰·羅|責編:和靜
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • ISBN:9787040593143
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:269
人民幣:RMB 135 元      售價:



Foreword: MASS and REU at Penn State University
Chapter 1.Prelude: Love, Hate, and Exponentials
  §1.1.Two sets of travelers
  §1.2.Winding around
  §1.3.The most important function in mathematics
Chapter 2.Paths and Homotopies
  §2.1.Path connectedness
  §2.3.Homotopies and simple-connectivity
Chapter 3.The Winding Number
  §3.1.Maps to the punctured plane
  §3.2.The winding number
  §3.3.Computing winding numbers
  §3.4.Smooth paths and loops
  §3.5.Counting roots via winding numbers
Chapter 4.Topology of the Plane
  §4.1.Some classic theorems
  §4.2.The Jordan curve theorem Ⅰ
  §4.3.The Jordan curve theorem Ⅱ
  §4.4.Inside the Jordan curve
Chapter 5.Integrals and the Winding Number
  §5.1.Differential forms and integration
  §5.2.Closed and exact forms
  §5.3.The winding number via integration
  §5.5.Cauchy's theorem
  §5.6.A glimpse at higher dimensions
Chapter 6.Vector Fields and the Rotation Number
  §6.1.The rotation number
  §6.2.Curvature and the rotation number
  §6.3.Vector fields and singularities
  §6.4.Vector fields and surfaces
Chapter 7.The Winding Number in Functional Analysis
  §7.1.The Fredholm index
  §7.2.Atkinson's theorem
  §7.3.Toeplitz operators
  §7.4.The Toeplitz index theorem
Chapter 8.Coverings and the Fundamental Group
  §8.1.The fundamental group
  §8.2.Covering and lifting
  §8.3.Group actions

  §8.5.The Nielsen-Schreier theorem
  §8.6.An application to nonassociative algebra
Chapter 9.Coda: The Bott Periodicity Theorem
  §9.1.Homotopy groups
  §9.2.The topology of the general linear group
Appendix A.Linear Algebra
  §A.1.Vector spaces
  §A.2.Basis and dimension
  §A.3.Linear transformations
  §A.5.Norms and inner products
  §A.6.Matrices and determinants
Appendix B.Metric Spaces
  §B.1.Metric spaces
  §B.2.Continuous functions
  §B.3.Compact spaces
  §B.4.Function spaces
Appendix C.Extension and Approximation Theorems
  §C.1.The Stone-Weierstrass theorem
  §C.2.The Tietze extension theorem
Appendix D.Measure Zero
  §D.1.Measure zero subsets of R and of S1
Appendix E.Calculus on Normed Spaces
  §E.1.Normed vector spaces
  §E.2.The derivative
  §E.3.Properties of the derivative
  §E.4.The inverse function theorem
Appendix F.Hilbert Space
  §F.1.Definition and examples
Appendix G.Groups and Graphs
  §G.1.Equivalence relations

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