幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:范維澄|責編:陳麗勛|總主編:楊衛
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308227605
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:339
人民幣:RMB 158 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Project Overview
  1.1  Introduction
    1.1.1  Project Deployment
    1.1.2  Comprehensive Integration
    1.1.3  Interdisciplinary Efforts
    1.1.4  Guidance Expert Group and Management Group
  1.2  Research Review
    1.2.1  Overall Scientific Objectives
    1.2.2  Key Scientific Issues
  1.3  Significant Progress
Chapter 2  Research in China and Abroad
  2.1  Development of Public Safety Emergency Management Abroad
    2.1.1  Development of the US Emergency Management System
    2.1.2  Development of the EU Emergency Preparedness and Response
    2.1.3  Development of the UK Emergency Management System
  2.2  Development of Public Safety Emergency Management in China
  2.3  Global Trend of Public Safety Emergency Management
    2.3.1  The Sendal Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
    2.3.2  Development Trend of the EU's Emergency Management
    2.3.3  Major Research Program on Resilient Infrastructure in the US
  2.4  Chinas Social Changes and Science and Technology Development
Chapter 3  Major Research Achievements
  3.1  Prevention and Emergency Preparedness
    3.1.1  Evolution Law of Incidents
    3.1.2  Theory and Methods of Risk Management
    3.1.3  Theory and Methods of Emergency Preparedness
  3.2  Monitoring and Early Warning
    3.2.1  System and Models of Monitoring and Early Warning Technologies
    3.2.2  Monitoring and Early Warning Methods of Typical Incidents
  3.3  Emergency Rescue and Handling
    3.3.1  Law of Psychological Behavior
    3.3.2  Theory and Methods of Emergency Command Decision-Making
    3.3.3  Handling Strategy of Typical Emergencies
Chapter 4  Representative Integration Achievements
  4.1  Theory and Application of New Generation of Emergency Intelligence Computing for National Safety
    4.1.1  Research Background and Current Situation
    4.1.2  Major Research Progress
    4.1.3  Application and Popularization
    4.1.4  International Comparison and Influence
  4.2  Basic Research on and Achievement Application of "Scenario-Response" Overall Integration Platform
    4.2.1  Research Background and Current Situation
    4.2.2  Ma)or Research Progress
    4.2.3  Application and Popularization
    4.2.4  International Comparison and Influence
  4.3  Research on and Achievement Application of Psychology and Behavior of Unconventional Emergency Management
    4.3.1  Research Background and Current Situation
    4.3.2  Major Research Progress
    4.3.3  Application and Popularization
    4.3.4  International Comparison and Influence
Chapter 5  Outlook

  5.1  Chinas Strategic Needs in Public Safety
  5.2  Conceptions of and Suggestions for Further Research
    5.2.1  Conceptions of Further Research
    5.2.2  Suggestions for Further Research

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