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  • 作者:編者:胡海雲//吳曉麗//繆勁松|責編:時京京
  • 出版社:北京理工大學
  • ISBN:9787576317404
  • 出版日期:2022/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:354
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Electrostatic Field
  1.1  Coulomb's Law
    1.1.1  Electric Charge
    1.1.2  Coulomb's Law
    1.1.3  The Principle of Superposition of Electric Forces
  1.2  Electric Field and Electric Field Intensity
    1.2.1  Electric Field
    1.2.2  Electric Field Intensity
    1.2.3  Calculation of Electric Field Intensity
  1.3  Gauss Theorem of Electrostatic Field
    1.3.1  Electric Field Lines
    1.3.2  Electric Flux
    1.3.3  Gauss Theorem
    1.3.4  Find the Distribution of Electrostatic Field with Gauss Theorem
  1.4  Circuital Theorem of Electrostatic Field and Electric Potential
    1.4.1  Circuital Theorem of Electrostatic Field
    1.4.2  Electrostatic Potential Energy
    1.4.3  Electric Potential and Electric Potential Difference
    1.4.4  Calculation of Electric Potential
    1.4.5  Equipotential Surface
    1.4.6  Electric Potential Gradient
  1.5  Electric Dipole in Electrostatic Field
    1.5.1  Torque on Electric Dipole in External Electric Field
    1.5.2  Electric Potential Energy of Electric Dipole in External Electric Field
Chapter 2  Conductor and Dielectric in Electrostatic Field
  2.1  Conductor in Electrostatic Field
    2.1.1  The Conditions of Electrostatic Equilibrium of Conductor
    2.1.2  The Charge Distribution of Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium
    2.1.3  Electrostatic Shielding
    2.1.4  Calculation of Electrostatic Field in the Presence of Conductors
  2.2  Dielectric in Electrostatic Field
    2.2.1  The Influence of Dielectric on Electric Field
    2.2.2  Polarization of Dielectrics
    2.2.3  Electric Polarization
  2.3  Gauss Theorem with Dielectric
    2.3.1  Electric Displacement and Gauss Theorem with Dielectric
    2.3.2  Application of Gauss Theorem with Dielectric
    2.3.3  The Boundary Conditions of Electrostatic Field
  2.4  Capacitor and Its Capacity
    2.4.1  Capacitance of Isolated Conductor
    2.4.2  Capacitance of Capacitor
    2.4.3  Connection of Capacitors
    2.4.4  Calculation and Application of Capacitance
  2.5  Energy of Electric Field
    2.5.1  The Electrostatic Energy of the Charge System
    2.5.2  Energy of Capacitor

    2.5.3  Energy of Electrostatic Field Energy Density
Chapter 3  Steady Magnetic Field
  3.1  Steady Current
    3.1.1  Electric Current and Current Density
    3.1.2  The Differential Form of Ohm's law
    3.1.3  EMF
  3.2  Magnetic Fields and B
    3.2.1  Magnetic Phenomena
    3.2.2  Magnetic Field B
    3.2.3  Magnetic Field Lines
  3.3  Biot-Savart Law
    3.3.1  The Biot-Savart Law
    3.3.2  Applications of the Biot-Savart Law
    3.3.3  Magnetic Field of a Moving Charge
  3.4  Gauss's Law for Magnetism and Ampere's Law
    3.4.1  Magnetic Flux and Gauss's Law for Magnetism
    3.4.2  Ampere's Law
    3.4.3  Applications of Ampere's Law
  3.5  Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire
    3.5.1  Ampere's Force
    3.5.2  Torque on a Current Loop
  3.6  Force on an Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field
    3.6.1  Lorentz Force
    3.6.2  Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field
    3.6.3  Applications
  3.7  Magnetic Materials
    3.7.1  Magnetic Fields in Magnetic Materials
    3.7.2  Magnetization
    3.7.3  Magnetization Vector M and Magnetization Current
    3.7.4  Ampere's Law in Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Field Intensity H
    3.7.5  Ferromagnetism
Chapter 4  Electromagnetic Induction
  4.1  Faraday's Law of Induction
    4.1.1  Phenomena of Electromagnetic Induction
    4.1.2  Faraday's Law of Induction
    4.1.3  Lenz's Law
  4.2  Motional EMF and Induced EMF
    4.2.1  Motional EMF
    4.2.2  The Induced EMF
    4.2.3  Induced Electric Fields
    4.2.4  Eddy Currents and Electromagnetic Damping
  4.3  Self-Inductance and Mutual Inductance
    4.3.1  Self-Inductance
    4.3.2  Mutual Inductance

  4.4  Energy and Energy Density of the Magnetic Field
  4.5  Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves
    4.5.1  Displacement Current
    4.5.2  General Expression of Ampere's Law
    4.5.3  Maxwell's Equations
    4.5.4  Electromagnetic Waves
  4.6  Superconductivity
    4.6.1  Physical Properties of Superconductors
    4.6.2  Introduction to BCS Theory
    4.6.3  Josephson's Effect
    4.6.4  Application of Superconductivity in Technology

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