幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:陳正倫//湯平|責編:羅亞
  • 出版社:重慶大學
  • ISBN:9787568934497
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:204
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Early Experiences with Educational Technologies
  1 My College Education on Information Technology
  2 My First Encounters with Computers
  3 Teaching English with Recorders
  4 Experimenting with My First Computer
Chapter 3 Further Adventure into Educational Technologies
  1 Teaching with Technology at CWNU
  2 Experimenting with Technology in Virginia
  3 My Readings on Technology
  4 Educational Technologies: My Fuller Knowledge Map
  5 My Research on Information and Communication Technology
Chapter 4 Exploring the Online World of English Countries
  1 Online Governments
  2 Social Networking Sites
  3 Media Conglomerates
  4 School and Church
  5 Language Resources for English Language Educators and Students
  6 Family and Local Community
  7 Other Social Institutions
  8 Principles of Learning in the English Social Virtuality
Chapter 5 Learning and Teaching English with Technology
  1 Listening with Technology
  2 Reading with Technology
  3 Speaking with Technology
  4 Writing with Technology
  5 Viewing with Technology
  6 Principles of Learning and Teaching English with Technology
Chapter 6 On the Road to the Future
  1 Students with Technology Sawy
  2 Tang's Experience with Technology
  3 Self-directed Learning in the English Virtual World
  4 Measuring the Achievements
  5 Reflection on Cross-Cultural Communication

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