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  • 作者:編者:占豐林//蔡麗蓉|責編:趙莉//吉萬旺
  • 出版社:中國建築工業
  • ISBN:9787112281411
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:260
人民幣:RMB 60 元      售價:



1  Cartesian Coordinate System and Analytic Geometry(笛卡爾坐標與解析幾何)
  1.1  Cartesian Coordinate System
  1.2  Analytic Geometry
2  Function and Its Derivative(函數及其導數)
  2.1  Function
  2.2  The Derivative of a Function
3  Computer Hardware(電腦硬體)
  3.1  CPU
  3.2  The Memory
  3.3  I/O Devices
  3.4  System Buses
4  OA(辦公自動化)
  4.1  Word Processing
  4.2  Electronic Spreadsheet
  4.3  Video Conferencing
5  Stress, Strain and Hooke's Law(應力、應變與胡克定律)
  5.1  The Concepts of Stress and Strain
  5.2  Axial Tensile Stress-Strain Relationship
  5.3  Hooke's Law
    5.3.1  Stress-Strain Diagram
    5.3.2  Hooke's Law
    5.3.3  Future Remarks on Stress-Strain Diagrams
6  Differential Equation for Beam Deflection Curve and Moment-Area Method(梁的撓曲線微分方程及彎矩面積法)
  6.1  Deflection Curve of a Bent Beam
  6.2  Differential Equation for Beam Deflection Curve
  6.3  The Moment-Area Method
7  Torsion of a Circular Bar and Hook's Law for Shear(圓桿扭轉與剪切胡克定律)
  7.1  Circular Bar in Pure Torsion
  7.2  Hook's Law for Shear
  7.3  Computational Formula of T
8  Critical Load and Euler' s Formula(臨界荷載與歐拉公式)
  8.1  Critical Load
  8.2  Critical Load Formula
  8.3  Euler's Formula
    8.3.1  Column Buckling
    8.3.2  Euler's Formula
  8.4  Critical Stress and Flexibility (or Slenderness Ratio)
9  Civil and Building Engineering(土木與建築工程)
  9.1  Definition and Scope of Civil Engineering
  9.2  Characteristics of Building Engineering
    9.2.1  Characteristics of Product
    9.2.2  Characteristics of Construction
    9.2.3  Characteristics of Project Management
  9.3  Composition and Function of Building
    9.3.1  Enclosing Structures
    9.3.2  Load-Bearing Structures
  9.4  Categories of Buildings
10  Exploration of In-Class Education of Ideology and Politics of theCourse "Architectural Economy and Management"(「建築經濟與管理」課程思政探索)
  10.1  Course Introduction
  10.2  Ideological and Political Elements

    10.2.1  National Consciousness
    10.2.2  Social Responsibility
    10.2.3  Professional Dedication
    10.2.4  Environmental Awareness
    10.2.5  Law-Consciousness
  10.3  Ideology and Politics Education Effect
11  Civil Engineering Materials(土木工程材料)
  11.1  Timber
    11.1.1  Features of Timber
    11.1.2  Defects in Timber and Preservation of Timber
    11.1.3  Use of Timber
  11.2  Metals
    11.2.1  Properties of Metals
    11.2.2  Use of Metals in Constructions
    11.2.3  Corrosion Protection
  11.3  Concrete
    11.3.1  Properties and Uses of Normal Concrete
    11.3.2  Preparation of Normal Concrete
    11.3.3  Constituents in Concrete
    11.3.4  Concrete Mix Design
  11.4  Reinforced Concrete
  11.5  Prestressed Concrete
  11.6  Bituminous Materials
    11.6.1  Kinds and Properties of Bituminous Materials
    11.6.2  Uses of Bituminous Materials
  11.7  Polymer
  11.8  Bricks and Blocks
12  Soil Mechanics and Foundations(土力學與基礎)
  12.1  Size Composition and Structure of Soils
    12.1.1  Size Composition
    12.1.2  Structure
  12.2  Soil Properties
  12.3  Applications of Soil Mechanics
  12.4  Foundations
    12.4.1  Categories of Foundations
    12.4.2  Deep Foundations
13  Masonry Structures(砌體結構)
  13.1  Introduction
  13.2  Classifications of Masonry Construction
  13.3  Types of Masonry Walls
  13.4  Empirical Code Limits
14  Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete(鋼筋混凝土與預應力混凝土)
  14.1  Reinforced Concrete
  14.2  Prestressed Concrete
    14.2.1  Comparison with Reinforced Concrete
    14.2.2  Economics
    14.2.3  Prestressing Methods
15  Concrete: Forming, Reinforcing, Placement and Curing(混凝土:支模、扎筋、澆搗和養護)
  15.1  Forming
  15.2  Reinforcement

  15.3  Placement
  15.4  Curing
16  Structural Systems of Buildings(建築結構體系)
  16.1  Frame Action of Column and Two-Way Slab Systems
  16.2  Structural Systems of Buildings
17  Connections and Construction of Steel Structure(鋼結構連接與施工)
  17.1  Steel Connections
    17.1.1  Bolted Connections
    17.1.2  Welded Connections
  17.2  Steel Structure Construction
18  Freeways(高速公路)
19  Cable-Stayed Bridge(斜拉橋)
  19.1  History of Development
  19.2  Comparison with Suspension Bridge
20  Tunnel Engineering(隧道工程)
  20.1  Types and Structures of Tunnels
    20.1.1  Tunnel Types
    20.1.2  Tunnel Structures
  20.2  Construction of Tunnels
    20.2.1  Railway Tunnels
    20.2.2  Highway Tunnels
    20.2.3  Metros
    20.2.4  Hydraulic and Underground Powerhouses
  20.3  Vision of the Future
21  Characteristics of China's Imperial City Planning(中國皇城規劃特徵)
22  Stages and Considerations of Urban Master Planning(城市總體規劃步驟與考慮因素)
23  Urban Transportation Planning Phases(城市交通規劃階段)
  23.1  Characteristics of Urban Transportation
  23.2  Urban Transportation Planning Phases
    23.2.1  The Preanalysis Phase
    23.2.2  The Technical Analysis Phase
    23.2.3  The Postanalysis Phase
24  Housing Design Criteria and Considerations of Residential Planning(住房設計準則與住宅規劃考慮因素)
  24.1  Housing Design Criteria
  24.2  Considerations of Residential Planning
25  Bauhaus-Art and Techniques, a New Unity"(包豪斯——「藝術與技術的新統一」)
26  Hood Museum of Art(護德藝術博物館)
27  Team SCUT-POLITO's LONG-PLAN and Professor'sGreen Building Ideas(華南理工大學-都靈理工大學聯隊設計的長屋與教授的綠色建築理念)
  27.1  Introduction
  27.2  Competition Plan
    27.2.1  Human Comfort
    27.2.2  Energy Saving
    27.2.3  Urban Effects
    27.2.4  Module Construction
  27.3  Professor's Green Building Ideas
  27.4  Module Lifting and Effect
28  3D Printing(3D列印)
  28.1  Introduction
  28.2  A 3D Printed Book Cabin
  28.3  A 3D Printed Concrete Farmhouse

29  Fully Grouted Cable Bolts' ANSYS Analysis, ConstructionTechniques and Anchoring Mechanism (Theory of Swelling-Rising Concrete Arch with Tree-Root-Shaped Cable BoltReinforcement)[注漿錨索的ANSYS分析、施工技術及錨固機理(脹錨拱理論)]
  29.1  ANSYS Simulating Analysis of a Single Fully Grouted Cable Bolt
    29.1.1  Solving Process
    29.1.2  Analyzing the Results
  29.2  ANSYS Simulating Analysis of a 3D Stope Model
    29.2.1  Solving Process
    29.2.2  Analyzing the Results
  29.3  Pre-Anchoring Construction
  29.4  Theory of Swelling-Rising Concrete Arch with Tree-Root-Shaped Cable Bolt Reinforcement
    29.4.1  Model
    29.4.2  Main Viewpoints
Appendix 1: The Reading of Common Symbols and Mathematical Formulas(附錄1:常用符號和數學公式的讀法)
Appendix 2: Commonly Used English-Chinese Professional Termsfor Civil and Architectural Engineering(附錄2:常用土木建築類專業辭彙英漢對照)

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