幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張宜//王瑞堯|責編:王曉莉|總主編:張宜
  • 出版社:北京理工大學
  • ISBN:9787576313611
  • 出版日期:2022/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:130
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Unit 1  Travel and Transportation
  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  Listening Skills for Long Conversation
  Section F  Multi-model Learning
Unit 2  Employment and Entrepreneurship
  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  Listening Skills for Long Conversation
  Section F  Multi-model Learning
Unit 3  International Vision
  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  Listening Skills for Long Conversation
  Section F  Multi-model Learning
Unit 4  Economy and Society
  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  CET Spoken English Test
  Section F  Multi-model Learning
Unit 5  Law and Society
  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  CET Spoken English Test
  Section F  Multi-model Learning
Unit 6  Literature and Art
  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  CET Spoken English Test
  Section F  Multi-model Learning
Unit 7  Universe Exploration
  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  Information of CET 4
  Section F  Multi-model Learning
Unit 8  One World

  Section A  Warm-up Activities
  Section B  Listening Tasks
  Section C  Words and Useful Expressions
  Section D  Cultures, Values and Thoughts
  Section E  Information of CET 4
  Section F  Multi-model Learning

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