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  • 作者:編者:楊連瑞//陳穎//李旭奎|責編:許玲玉
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302616429
  • 出版日期:2023/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:276
人民幣:RMB 75 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  What Is Lexicology
  1.2  English Lexicology and Its Relation to Other Disciplines
  1.3  Methods of Word Study
  1.4  Aims and Significance of the Course
Chapter 2  Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary
  2.1  Definition of a Word
  2.2  Sound and Meaning
  2.3  Sound and Form
  2.4  Vocabulary
  2.5  Classification of Words
    2.5.1  Basic Word Stock and Non-Basic Vocabulary
    2.5.2  Content Words and Functional Words
    2.5.3  Native Words and Borrowed Words
Chapter 3  The Developing English Vocabulary
  3.1  The Indo-European Language Family
  3.2  A Historical Overview of the English Vocabulary
    3.2.1  The Period of Old English (450 CE-1100 CE)
    3.2.2  The Period of Middle English (1100 CE–1500 CE)
    3.2.3  The Period of Moderm English (After 1500 CE)
  3.3  Growth of Present-Day English Vocabulary
    3.3.1  The Rapid Development of Science and Technology
    3.3.2  Political, Economic, and Cultural Changes in Society
    3.3.3  The Formation of New Vocabulary
  3.4  Modes of Vocabulary Development
Chapter 4  Morphological Structure of Words
  4.1  The Concept of Morpheme
    4.1.1  Types of Morphemes
    4.1.2  Roots, Stems, and Bases
  4.2  Major Processes of Word Formation
    4.2.1  Derivation
    4.2.2  Conversion
    4.2.3  Compounding
  4.3  Minor Processes of Word Formation
    4.3.1  Clipping
    4.3.2  Blending
    4.3.3  Acronymy: Initialisms and Acronyms
    4.3.4  Back-Formation
    4.3.5  Words from Proper Names
    4.3.6  Miscellaneous
Chapter 5  Word Meaning, Polysemy, and Homonymy
  5.1  Motivation
    5.1.1  Phonetic Motivation
    5.1.2  Morphological Motivation
    5.1.3  Semantic Motivation
  5.2  Main Types of Word Meaning

Chapter 6  Sense Relations Between Words
Chapter 7  Changes in Word Meaning
Chapter 8  Meaning and Context
Chapter 9  Multi-Word Expressions
Chapter 10  Idioms
Chapter 11  Differences Between American English and British English
Chapter 12  Vocabulary Learning
Appendix: Difference Between American English and British English

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