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  • 作者:(荷蘭)邁克·X.科恩|責編:張燁
  • 出版社:東南大學
  • ISBN:9787576605884
  • 出版日期:2023/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:311
人民幣:RMB 109 元      售價:

    這本來自Mike X Cohen的實用指南講授了以Python實現的線性代數的核心概念,包括如何在數據科學、機器學習、深度學習、計算模擬和生物醫學數據處理應用中使用它們。有了這本書,理解、實現和適應繁多的現代分析方法和演算法將不再是問題。


1. Introduction
  What Is Linear Algebra and Why Learn It
  About This Book
  Mathematical Proofs Versus Intuition from Coding
  Code, Printed in the Book and Downloadable Online
  Code Exercises
  How to Use This Book (for Teachers and Self Learners)
2. Vectors, Part 1
  Creating and Visualizing Vectors in NumPy
  Geometry of Vectors
  Operations on Vectors
  Adding Two Vectors
  Geometry of Vector Addition and Subtraction
  Vector-Scalar Multiplication
  Scalar-Vector Addition
  Vector Broadcasting in Python
  Vector Magnitude and Unit Vectors
  The Vector Dot Product
  The Dot Product Is Distributive
  Geometry of the Dot Product
  Other Vector Multiplications
  Hadamard Multiplication
  Outer Product
  Cross and Triple Products
  Orthogonal Vector Decomposition
  Code Exercises
3. Vectors, Part 2
  Vector Sets
  Linear Weighted Combination
  Linear Independence
  The Math of Linear Independence
  Independence and the Zeros Vector
  Subspace and Span
  Definition of Basis
  Code Exercises
4. Vector Applications
  Correlation and Cosine Similarity
  Time Series Filtering and Feature Detection
  k-Means Clustering
  Code Exercises
  Correlation Exercises

  Filtering and Feature Detection Exercises
  k-Means Exercises
5. Matrices, Part 1
  Creating and Visualizing Matrices in NumPy
  Visualizing, Indexing, and Slicing Matrices
  Special Matrices
  Matrix Math: Addition, Scalar Multiplication, Hadamard Multiplication
  Addition and Subtraction
  "Shifting" a Matrix
  Scalar and Hadamard Multiplications
  Standard Matrix Multiplication
  Rules for Matrix Multiplication Validity
  Matrix Multiplication
  Matrix-Vector Multiplication
  Matrix Operations: Transpose
6. Matrices, Part 2
7. Matrix Applications
8. Matrix Inverse
9. Orthogonal Matrices and QR Decomposition
10. Row Reduction and LU Decomposition
11. General Linear Models and Least Squares
12. Least Squares Applications
13. Eigendecomposition
14. Singular Value Decomposition
15. Eigendecomposition and SVD Applications
16. Python Tutorial

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