幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:余素青//薛朝鳳|責編:劉強
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301230756
  • 出版日期:2013/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:125
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



Unit 1  Campus Life
  Part One  Speaking
  Part Two  Listening
    1.My Face Gets So Red
    2.Day One on Campus
    Campus Location
    Baseball lawsuit: Young girl sues to play on boys' team
  Part Three  Video Clip--A Song: Unwritten
Unit 2  Parents & Children
  Part One  Speaking
  Part Two  Listening
    1.New Search Laws for Drug Suspects
    2.Little Story--Guess How Much I Love You
    Apple Tree
    Convicted Killer Set Free by NSW Court
  Part Three  Video Clip--Kids Find Sweetest Job
Unit 3  Ethics
  Part One  Speaking
  Part Two  Listening
    1.Is the Home for the Aged More Good Than Harm?
    2.Pope Apologizes to Abuse Victims
    Surrogate Mothers
    Child Promiscuity
  Part Three  Video Clip--More Valuable than Money
Unit 4  Travel
  Part One  Speaking
  Part Two  Listening
    1.Carry-on Baggage
    2.Crew Member Arrested for Passenger Rape
     A Business Trip Jailed Him Years in Russia
     Human Cargo Delivery
  Part Three  Video Clip--Final Destination (20' 34' '--23' 15' ')
Unit 5  Food
  Part One  Speaking
  Part Two  Listening
    1.Man Calls 911 over Fast Food
    2.Is Fast Food Guilty?
    China's Food Safety Law
    A Delicacy of Despair: Foir gra furor
  Part Three  Video Clip--Yao Ming Sued Coca-Cola
Unit 6  Language
  Part One  Speaking
  Part Two  Listening
    1.Language and the law
    2.Gossip: Have You Heard?
    Kangaroo Court
    Promotion of Black's Law Dictionary (9th Edition)
  Part Three  Video Clip--Closing Argument of Black Widow Case
Unit 7  Friendship
  Part One  Speaking

  Part Two  Listening
    1.Under Arrest
    2.Best Friend Can't Stop Complaining
    Spy Row Raises Diplomatic Tensions
  Part Three  Video Clip--US-South Korea Hold Exercises
Unit 8  Money
  Part One  Speaking
  Part Two  Listening
    1.A Troublesome Son
    2.How to Manage Your Money
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    AIG Sues Former CEO
  Part Three  Video Clip--Stay Budge-Wise

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