幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:劉國強|責編:張美景|譯者:劉式南
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508546001
  • 出版日期:2023/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:204
人民幣:RMB 119 元      售價:



Prelude Awakening the 「sleeping beauty」
Part I Start
  Movement 1 Lake Yinyang
    Interlude Six academicians and a female journalist
  Movement 2 Thrilling traversing
    Interlude Festival is the time of nostalgia
Part II Development
  Movement 3 Plants retreat and human beings advance
    Interlude China』s number one town and stinkgrass flower
  Movement 4 There will be no returning until arriving in Loulan
    Interlude Two red flags
  Movement 5 Green symphony
    Interlude Potassium sulfate is a treasure
  Movement 6 Yardang Landform stands high and low
    Interlude Sacrifice individuals for the collectivity
Part III Turning
  Movement 7 Hope comes into blossom
    Interlude Three 「oases」
  Movement 8 The force of love
    Interlude Life interrupted by frequent 「temporary separation」
  Movement 9 「I only care about you」
    Interlude Persistence is the first light piercing through the dark night
Part IV Unity
  Movement 10 When flowers bloom, butterflies come
    Interlude They all have something special behind their competence
  Movement 11 Red willow leaves in the Gobi Desert
    Interlude Use music to interpret work
  Movement 12 Let』s strive for primacy together
    Interlude Song of Youth reverberates in the Gobi Desert
Epilogue Embark on a new journey

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