幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:張海濱|責編:蘇謙|譯者:王偉
  • 出版社:五洲傳播
  • ISBN:9787508542324
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:315
人民幣:RMB 118 元      售價:



Chapter One  The Genesis, Evolution, and Challenges of Global Climate Governance
  1.1  The Genesis of Global Climate Governance
  1.2  The Evolution of Global Climate Governance
    1.2.1  The Evolution of the Goals of Global Climate Governance
    1.2.2  The Evolution of the Principles of Global Climate Governance
    1.2.3  The Evolution of the Modes of Emission Reduction
    1.2.4  The Evolution of the Patterns of International Climate Negotiations
    1.2.5  The Evolution of the Structure of Global Climate Governance
  1.3  The Challenges Facing Global Climate Governance
    1.3.1  The Inadequacy of Global Climate Governance Efforts
    1.3.2  Leadership Deficiencies in Global Climate Governance
    1.3.3  Uncertainties in Global Climate Governance
    1.3.4  Inadequacies in the Systems, Mechanisms, and Legal Frameworks of Global Climate Governance
    1.3.5  The Severe External Environment of Global Climate Governance
Chapter Two  China』s Contributions to the Core Values of Global Climate Governance
  2.1  Ecological Civilization and Global Climate Governance
    2.1.1  The Conceptualization of Ecological Civilization and Its Basic Implications
    2.1.2  The Development of Ecological Civilization and Climate Governance
  2.2  A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and Global Climate Governance
    2.2.1  The Conceptualization of a Community with a Shared Future and Its Basic Implications
    2.2.2  The Relationship between a Community with a Shared Future and Global Climate Governance
  2.3  The Influence of the Ideas of Ecological Civilization and a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind in Global Climate Governance
    2.3.1  China』s Global Efforts to Promote Ecological Civilization and a Community with a Shared Future
    2.3.2  The Global Influence of the Ideas of Ecological Civilization and a Community with a Shared Future
Chapter Three  China』s Participation and Leadership in Global Climate Governance
  3.1  The First Stage (1990–2006): An Active Participant
    3.1.1  Participating in the UN Climate Negotiations
    3.1.2  Safeguarding the Rights of Development for China and Other Developing Countries
    3.1.3  Pursuing Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction
  3.2  The Second Stage (2007–2014): An Active Contributor
    3.2.1  The Popularization and Systematization of China』s Climate Change Policies
    3.2.2  Subtle Changes in China』s Stance in Climate Negotiations
    3.2.3  The Establishment and Improvement of Government Agencies and Working Mechanisms for Addressing Climate Change
    3.2.4  China』s Active Advancement of the UN Climate Negotiations
  3.3  The Third Stage (2015–Present): An Active Leader
    3.3.1  China』s Ideas for Global Climate Governance
    3.3.2  China』s Key Role in Settling Critical Issues of the Negotiations
    3.3.3  China』s Stronger Efforts to Tackle Climate Change<
  4.3  Interactions between the Government and the Society
    4.3.1  Active Execution of Pilot Projects
    4.3.2  Binding Rules Set by the Central Government and Their Implementation by Local Governments
    4.3.3  The Will of the State and Innovation in Building Green Cities
    4.3.4  Policy Guidance and the Response from Industries
    4.3.5  Government Guidance and Social Actions
  4.4  China』s Achievements in Climate Change Action
    4.4.1  Reversal of the Trend of Rapid Growth in Carbon Dioxide Emissions
    4.4.2  The Journey of Green, Low-Carbon, Circular Development
Chapter Five  Strengthening South–South Cooperation on Climate Change
  5.1  China』s Position and Policies on South–South Climate Cooperation
  5.2  A Historical Review of China』s Role in South–South Climate Cooperation
    5.2.1  A Historical Review of China』s Promotion of South–South Climate Cooperation
    5.2.2  China』s Latest Progress in Promoting South–South Climate Cooperation
Chapter Six  Expanding North–South Cooperation on Climate Change
  6.1  Climate Cooperation between China and Developed Countries
    6.1.1  China and the United States
    6.1.2  China and Japan
    6.1.3  China and the European Union
    6.1.4  China and Other Developed Countries
  6.2  China』s Role in Promoting North–South Climate Cooperation
    6.2.1  Promoting North–South Climate Cooperation under the Framework of the United Nations
    6.2.2  Promoting North–South Climate Cooperation outside the Framework of the United Nations
Chapter Seven  The Rationale for China』s Active Contribution to Global Climate Governance
  7.1  International Factors
    7.1.1  The Growing Threat to Global Ecological Security Due to Climate Change
    7.1.2  Profound Changes in the Global Economic Landscape
    7.1.3  Significant Changes in the Configuration of Global GHG Emissions
    7.1.4  The Global Trend of Green and Low-Carbon Development
  7.2  National Factors
    7.2.1  Changes in China』s Stage of Development
    7.2.2  The Growing Negative Impacts of Climate Change on China
  7.3  Leadership Factors
    7.3.1  The Concern of Chinese Leaders for the Whole of Humanity
    7.3.2  The Environmental Awareness of Chinese Leaders

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