Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Assessment paradigms and feedback
1.2 Dilemma in College English assessment in China
1.3 Identification of the problem in feedback provision
1.4 Call for research on the integrated feedback approach
1.5 Organization of the book
Chapter 2 The Integrated Feedback Approach in Theory
2.1 Feedback theories and approaches
2.1.1 Feedback and teaching approaches
2.1.2 Feedback purposes
2.1.3 Feedback focuses
2.1.4 Feedback modes
2.1.5 Feedback styles
2.1.6 Feedback sources
2.2 Feedback in practice
2.2.1 Teacher feedback
2.2.2 Peer feedback
2.2.3 Computer-mediated feedback
2.2.4 Self-assessment as feedback
2.3 Theoretical considerations
2.3.1 Social learning theories
2.Community of Practice
3.Meme Theory
2.3.2 Assessment for Learning
1.The concept of Assessment for Learning
2.The definition of formative feedback
3.Characteristics of good feedback practice in writing assessment
2.4 The integrated feedback approach: A model in practice
2.4.1 Stage one: The activating lecture
2.4.2 Stage two: The feedback process
2.4.3 Stage three: The feedback workshop
2.4.4 Stage four.The self-evaluation through reflection
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 The Integrated Feedback Approach in Practice
3.1 Course introduction
3.1.1 Course syllabus
3.1.2 Course facilities
1.Microsoft Word Software
2.Tsinghua Web School
3.A web-based AWE program–Pigai System
4.Experiential Writing System
3.1.3 Course management
3.1.4 Course feedback procedure
3.2 Participants
3.3 Research questions
3.4 Instruments
3.4.1 Pre-course and post-course writing tests
3.4.2 The writing samples
3.4.3 Reflective journals
3.4.4 Questionnaire
3.4.5 Interview
3.4.6 Observations
3.5 Procedures
3.6 Data analysis
3.6.1 Students' perceptions
1.Analytical tools
2.Analysis of students'perceptions
3.6.2 Students' performance
1.Analytical tools
2.The revision performance
3.The improvement of student texts
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Impact of the Integrated Feedback Approach on Students' Perceptions
4.1 Students' response to the integrated feedback approach
4.1.1 Assessment criteria
4.1.2 Revising process
4.1.3 Interaction
4.2 Students' response to the feedback process
4.2.1 Teacher feedback
4.2.2 Peer feedback
4.2.3 AWE feedback
4.3 Students' response to the feedback workshop
4.3.1 The summary report
4.3.2 The peer review presentation
4.3.3 The sample pieces
4.4 Students'response to self-evaluation through reflection
4.5 Changes in students' attitude towards writing
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Impact of the Integrated Feedback Approach on Students' Performance
5.1 Impact on revision performance
5.1.1 The overall revision performance
5.1.2 Textual analysis of revisions
5.1.3 The grammatical and functional analysis of revisions
1.The size of revision
2.The function of revision
5.2 Impact on writing improvement
5.2.1 The course-related performance
1.The pre-course and post-course IELTS writing tasks
2.Task one and Task six
5.2.2 The task-related performance
1.Task A
2.Task B
3.Task C
4.The initial drafts of Tasks A, B and C
5.The final versions of Tasks A, B and C
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 The Integrated Feedback Approach: Issues Within and Beyond
6.1 The integrated feedback approach: Process and product
6.1.1 Students'writing process
6.1.2 Students' writing product
6.1.3 The coordination and collaboration of different stages
6.2 The integrated feedback approach: Roles of participating par- ties
6.2.1 The instructor
6.2.2 The student as peers
6.2.3 The technology
6.2.4 Multiple roles of the instructor and the students
6.3 The integrated feedback approach: Issues and challenges
6.4 Summary
Chapter 7 The Integrated Feedback Approach: Nurturing Pos-itive Classroom Culture
7.1 Suggestions to students
7.2 Suggestions to teachers
7.3 Suggestions to teacher trainers
7.4 Suggestions to classroom assessment researchers
Appendix A: Scores of pre-course and post-course writing mea- sures
Appendix B: Scores of Tasks A, B, and C
Appendix C: The assessing criteria for content and language
Appendix D: The end-of-course questionnaire
Appendix E: Samples of reflective journals