幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:鄒敏|責編:程序
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521341591
  • 出版日期:2022/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:354
人民幣:RMB 87.9 元      售價:



List of tables
List of figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1  Background of the study
  1.2  Objectives and research design
  1.3  Significance of this study
  1.4  Outline of the book
Chapter 2 Critical thinking
  2.1  A historical review of CT
  2.2  What CT is
  2.3  How general CT is
  2.4  In search of CT: A working definition
Chapter 3 Critical thinking and L2 writing
  3.1  Understanding L2 writing
  3.2  Relationship between CT and L2 writing
  3.3  Conceptualizing CT in L2 writing
Chapter 4 Teaching, learning and assessing critical thinking in L2 writing
  4.1  Teaching CT in L2 writing
  4.2  Assessing CT in L2 writing
  4.3  Factors influencing the teaching and learning of CT in L2 writing
Chapter 5 Methodology
  5.1  Research purpose and research questions
  5.2  Naturalistic inquiry and case study research
  5.3  The recruitment of participants
  5.4  Data collection
  5.5  Data analysis
  5.6  Role of the researcher
  5.7  Enhancing trustworthiness
  5.8  Ethical considerations
Chapter 6 Integrating CT in Alice's EFL writing classroom
  6.1  Alice's conception of CT and CT in EFL writing
  6.2  Teaching CT with a focus on thoughtful arguments
  6.3  Impact on students' learning of CT and EFL writing
Chapter 7 Integrating CT in Carol's EFL writing dassroom
  7.1  Carols conception of CT and CT in EFL writing
  7.2  Teaching CT with a focus on fair and reasonable analysis and evaluation
  7.3  Impact on students' learning of CT and EFL writing
Chapter 8 Integrating CT in Doris' EFL writing dassroom
  8.1  Doris' conception of CT and CT in EFL writing
  8.2  Integrating CT in EFL writing through formative assessment
  8.3  Impact on students' learning of CT and EFL writing
Chapter 9 Influencing factors on the teaching and learning of CT
  9.1  Teacher beliefs about CT and EFL writing
  9.2  Teachers' professional knowledge and skills regarding CT and EFL writing
  9.3  Students' backgrounds
  9.4  Institutional policy and collegial support
  9.5  The affordances and impediments from the wider educational context
Chapter 10 Discussion
  10.1  Understanding CT in EFL writing
  10.2  Integrating CT in EFL writing: Strategies and potential impact

  10.3  The muRi-layered influence on the integration of CT in EFL writing
Chapter 11 Conclusion and implications
  11.1  Major findings of this study
  11.2  Limitations and contributions of this study
  11.3  Implications of this study
  11.4  Directions for future research
  Appendix 1. Previous research on CT in L2 writing instruction
  Appendix 2. Criteria for Evaluating CT in L2 Writing
  Appendix 3. Sample interview questions for teachers
  Appendix 4. Sample interview questions for students
  Appendix 5. Sample interview questions for department heads
  Appendix 6. Classroom observation protocol
  Appendix 7. Questionnaire on CT and English writing
  Appendix 8. Pre-and post-study writing tests
  Appendix 9. IELTS writing task 2 band descriptors
  Appendix 10. CT-oriented writing rubric

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