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  • 作者:(美)雅各布·沃爾福威茨|責編:陳亮//劉葉青
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519296902
  • 出版日期:2023/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:173
人民幣:RMB 59 元      售價:



1.Heuristic Introduction to the Discrete Memoryless Channel
2.Combinatorial Preliminaries
  2.1.Generated sequences
  2.2.Properties of the entropy function
3.The Discrete Memoryless Channel
  3.1.Description of the channel
  3.2.A coding theorem
  3.3.The strong converse
  3.4.Strong converse for the binary symmetric channel
  3.5.The finite-state channel with state calculable by both sender and receiver
  3.6.The finite-state channel with state calculable only by the sender
4.Compound Channels
  4.2.The canonical channel
  4.3.A coding theorem
  4.4.Strong converse
  4.5.Compound d.m.c. with c.p.f. known only to the receiver or only to the sender
  4.6.Channels where the c.p.f. for each letter is stochastically determined
  4.7.Proof of Theorem 4.6.4.
  4.8.The d.m.c. with feedback
5.The Discrete Finite-Memory Channel
  5.1.The discrete channel
  5.2.The discrete finite-memory channel
  5.3.The coding theorem for the d.f.m.c.
  5.4.Strong converse of the coding theorem for the d.f.m.c.
  5.5.Rapidity of approach to C in the d.f.m.c.
  5.6.Discussion of the d.f.m.c.
6.Channels with Arbitrarily Varying Channel Probability Functions
  6.2.Necessary and sufficient conditions for a positive rate of transmission
  6.3.  Remarks on the capacity of an arbitrarily varying channel
  6.4.The capacity C of an arbitrarily varying channel when b=2
  6.5.Certain results for the general arbitrarily varying channel
7.General Discrete Channels
  7.1.Alternative description of the general discrete channel
  7.2.The method of maximal codes
  7.3.The method of random codes
  7.4.Weak converses
  7.5.Digression on the d.m.c.
  7.6.Discussion of the foregoing
  7.7.Channels without a capacity
  7.8.Strong converses
  7.9.The strong converse for the d.m.c. revisited
8.The Semi-Continuous Memoryless Channel

  8.2.A coding theorem and its strong converse
9.Continuous Channels with Additive Gaussian Noise
  9.1.A continuous memoryless channel with additive Gaussian noise
  9.2.Message sequences within a suitable sphere
  9.3.Message sequences on the periphery of the sphere orwithin a shell adjacent to the boundary
  9.4.Another proof of Theorems 9.2.1 and 9.2.2
10.Mathematical Miscellanea
  10.2.The asymptotic equipartition property
  10.3.Admissibility of an ergodic input for a discrete finite- memory channel
11.Fundamentals of Rate Distortion Theory
  11.2.The approximation theorem
  11.3.Converse of the approximation theorem
  11.4.Summary of the previous results
  11.5.The rate distortion function when side information is available
12.Source Coding
  12.1.Separate coding to span the product of two spaces
  12.2.Source coding with side information at the decoder
  12.3.Encoding assisted by a common channel
13.Source Coding and Rate Distortion
  13.1.The problem of Section 12.3 for rate distortion
  13.2.The rate distortion function for source coding with side information at the decoder
14.Multiple Access Channels
  14.1.Description of the problem
  14.2.A coding theorem
  14.3.Converse of the coding theorem
  14.4.Miscellaneous remarks
15.Degraded Broadcast Channels
  15.1.Formulation of the problem
  15.2.A coding theorem
  15.3.Beginning of the proof of the strong converse
  15.4.Proof of the weak converse
  15.5.Miscellaneous remarks

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