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  • 作者:(俄羅斯)鮑里斯·杜布羅文//阿納托利·福緬科//謝爾蓋·諾維科夫|責編:陳亮
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519296698
  • 出版日期:2023/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:468
人民幣:RMB 149 元      售價:



Preface to the First Edition
CHAPTER 1  Geometry in Regions of a Space.Basic Concepts
  1.Co-ordinate systems
    1.1  Cartesian co-ordinates in a space
    1.2  Co-ordinate changes
  2.Euclidean space
    2.1  Curves in Euclidean space
    2.2  Quadratic forms and vectors
  3.Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian spaces
    3.1  Riemannian metrics
    3.2  The Minkowski metric
  4.The simplest groups of transformations of Euclidean space
    4.1  Groups of transformations of a region
    4.2  Transformations of the plane
    4.3  The isometries of 3-dimensional Euclidean space
    4.4  Further examples of transformation groups
    4.5  Exercises
  5.The Serret-Frenet formulae
    5.1  Curvature of curves in the Euclidean plane
    5.2  Curves in Euclidean 3-space.Curvature and torsion
    5.3  Orthogonal transformations depending on a parameter
    5.4  Exercises
  6.Pseudo-Euclidean spaces
    6.1  The simplest concepts of the special theory of relativity
    6.2  Lorentz transformations
    6.3  Exercises
CHAPTER 2  The Theory of Surfaces
  7.Geometry on a surface in space
    7.1  Co-ordinates on a surface
    7.2  Tangent planes
    7.3  The metric on a surface in Euclidean space
    7.4  Surface area
    7.5  Exercises
  8.The second fundamental form
    8.1  Curvature of curves on a surface in Euclidean space
    8.2  Invariants of a pair of quadratic forms
    8.3  Properties of the second fundamental form
    8.4  Exercises
  9.The metric on the sphere
  10.Space-like surfaces in pseudo-Euclidean space
    10.1  The pseudo-sphere
    10.2  Curvature of space-like curves in R
  11.The language of complex numbers in geometry
    11.1  Complex and real co-ordinates
    11.2  The Hermitian scalar product
    11.3  Examples of complex transformation groups
  12.Analytic functions
    12.1  Complex notation for the element of length, and for the differential of a function
    12.2  Complex co-ordinate changes
    12.3  Surfaces in complex space

  13.The conformal form of the metric on a surface
    13.1  Isothermal co-ordinates.Gaussian curvature in terms of conformal co-ordinates
    13.2  Conformal form of the metrics on the sphere and the Lobachevskian plane
    13.3  Surfaces of constant curvature
    13.4  Exercises
  14.Transformation groups as surfaces in N-dimensional space
    14.1  Co-ordinates in a neighbourhood of the identity
    14.2  The exponential function with matrix argument
    14.3  The quaternions
    14.4  Exercises
  15.Conformal transformations of Euclidean and pseudo-Euclidean spaces of several dimensions
CHAPTER 3  Tensors: The Algebraic Theory
  16.Examples of tensors
  17.The general definition of a tensor
    17.1  The transformation rule for the components of a tensor of arbitrary rank
    17.2  Algebraic operations on tensors
    17.3  Exercises
  18.Tensors of type (0,k)
    18.1  Differential notation for tensors with lower indices only
    18.2  Skew-symmetric tensors of type (0, k)
    18.3  The exterior product of differential forms.The exterior algebra
    18.4  Skew-symmetric tensors of type (k, 0)(polyvectors).Integrals with respect to anti-commuting variables
    18.5  Exercises
  19.Tensors in Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian spaces
    19.1  Raising and lowering indices
    19.2  The eigenvalues of a quadratic form
    19.3  The operator
    19.4  Tensors in Euclidean space
    19.5  Exercises
  20.The crystallographic groups and the finite subgroups of the rotation group of Euclidean 3-space.Examples of invariant tensors
  21.Rank 2 tensors in pseudo-Euclidean space, and their eigenvalues
    21.1  Skew-symmetric tensors.The invariants of an electromagnetic field
    21.2  Symmetric tensors and their eigenvalues.The energy-momentum tensor of an electromagnetic feltauvs. v
  22.The behaviour of tensors under mappings
    22.1  The general operation of restriction of tensors with lower indices
    22.2  Mappings of tangent spars
  23.Vector fields
    23.1  One-parameter groups of diffeomorphisms
    23.2  The exponential function of a vector field
    23.3  The Lie derivative
    23.4  Exercises
  24.Lie algebras
    24.1  Lie algebras and vector fields
    24.2  The fundamental matrix Lie algebras
    24.3  Linear vector fields
    24.4  Left-invariant fields defined on transformation groups
    24.5  Invariant metrics on a transformation group
    24.6  The classification of the 3-dimensional Lie algebras
    24.7  The Lie algebras of the conformal groups
    24.8  Exercises

CHAPTER 4  The Differential Calculus of Tensors
  25.The differential calculus of skew-symmetric tensors
    25.1  The gradient of a skew-symmetric tensor
    25.2  The exterior derivative of a form
    25.3  Exercises
  26.Skew-symmetric tensors and the theory of integration
    26.1  Integration of differential forms
    26.2  Examples of integrals of differential forms
    26.3  The general Stokes formula.Examples
    26.4  Proof of the general Stokes formula for the cube
    26.5  Exercises
  27.Differential forms on complex spaces
    27.1  The operators d'and d
    27.2  Kahlerian metrics.The curvature form
  28.Covariant differentiation
    28.1  Euclidean connexions
    28.2  Covariant differentiation of tensors of arbitrary rank
  29.Covariant differentiation and the metric
    29.1  Parallel transport of vector fields
    29.2  Geodesics
    29.3  Connexions compatible with the metric
    29.4  Connexions compatible with a complex structure (Hermitian metric)
    29.5  Exercises
  30.The curvature tensor
    30.1  The general curvature tensor
    30.2  The symmetries of the curvature tensor.The curvature tensor defined by the metric
    30.3  Examples: The curvature tensor in spaces of dimensions 2 and 3; the curvature tensor of transformation groups
    30.4  The Peterson-Codazzi equations.Surfaces of constant negative curvature, and the "sine-Gordon" equation
    30.5  Exercises
CHAPTER 5  The Elements of the Calculus of Variations
  31.One-dimensional variational problems
    31.1  The Euler–Lagrange equations
    31.2  Basic examples of functionals
  32.Conservation laws
    32.1  Groups of transformations preserving a given variational problem
    32.2  Examples.Applications of the conservation laws
  33.Hamiltonian formalism
    33.1  Legendre's transformation
    33.2  Moving co-ordinate frames
    33.3  The principles of Maupertuis and Fermat
    33.4  Exercises
  34.The geometrical theory of phase space
    34.1  Gradient systems
    34.2  The Poisson bracket
    34.3  Canonical transformations
    34.4  Exercises
  35.Lagrange surfaces
    35.1  Bundles of trajectories and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
    35.2  Hamiltonians which are first-order homogeneous with respect to the momentum
  36.The second variation for the equation of the geodesics

    36.1  The formula for the second variation
    36.2  Conjugate points and the minimality condition
CHAPTER 6  The Calculus of Variations in Several Dimensions
  Fields and Their Geometric Invariants
  37.The simplest higher-dimensional variational problems
    37.1  The Euler–Lagrange equations
    37.2  The energy-momentum tensor
    37.3  The equations of an electromagnetic field
    37.4  The equations of a gravitational field
    37.5  Soap films
    37.6  Equilibrium equation for a thin plate
    37.7  Exercisee
  38.Examples of Lagrangians
  39.The simplest concepts of the general theory of relativity
  40.The spinor representations of the groups SO(3) and 0(3, 1).Dirac's equation and its properties
    40.1  Automorphisms of matrix algebras
    40.2  The spinor representation of the group SO(3)
    40.3  The spinor representation of the Lorentz group
    40.4  Dirac's equation
    40.5  Dirac's equation in an electromagnetic field.The operation of charge conjugation
  41.Covariant differentiation of fields with arbitrary symmetry
    41.1  Gauge transformations.Gauge-invariant Lagrangians
    41.2  The curvature form
    41.3  Basic examples
  42.Examples of gauge-invariant functionals.Maxwell's equations and the Yang–Mills equation.Functionals with identically zero variational derivative (characteristic classes)

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