幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:張貝|責編:張莉婭
  • 出版社:浙江工商大學
  • ISBN:9787517850205
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:197
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:

     This book aims to study Toni Morrison's works in the viewpoint of Confucianism, which is the core of Chinese traditional philosophy. It focuses on the relationship between Heaven and human, aiming to reach the harmony and coexistence of Heaven and human. The reason for doing this research derives from Morrison's connection with Confucianism. Morrison has been to China and experienced Chinese life based on Confucianism in the 1980s. Maxine Hong Kingston, who is a Chinese American female writer, has been a literary friend with Morrison for a long time. It is natural that they have influenced each other on their thoughts. Morrison's experience as an editor in Random House led her to learn  the  Eastern  philosophy.  

    張貝,博士,浙江海洋大學外國語學院商務英語專業負責人、碩士生導師,中國對外貿易經濟合作企業協會商務英語專業工作委員會理事,浙江省商務英語協會理事,舟山市翻譯協會副秘書長,舟山市統一戰線智庫專家。     長期從事英語專業教學與科研工作,科研方向為美國文學、法律英語和翻譯理論與實踐。主持和參與國家社科基金項目、浙江省教育廳科研項目及舟山市社科聯科研項目共5項,在國內外學術刊物上發表論文多篇。

Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1 Toni Morrison and Her Works
  1.2 Literature Review
  1.3 Significance and Methods
  1.4 Confucian "Unity of Heaven and Human"
  1.5 Outline of the Book
Chapter 2 Relationship Between Human and Nature
  2.1 Disharmonious Relationship Between Human and Nature
    2.1.1 Destruction and Domination of Nature
    2.1.2 Alienation from Nature
  2.2 Harmonious Relationship Between Human and Nature
    2.2.1 Natural Lifestyle
    2.2.2 Spiritual Support from Nature
Chapter 3 Relationship Between Human and Society
  3.1 Relationship Between Parents and Children
    3.1.1 Distorted Paternal Love
    3.1.2 Abnormal Maternal Love
    3.1.3 Filial Piety of Children
  3.2 Social Relationship with Others in Society
    3.2.1 Distorted Social Relations
    3.2.2 Construction of Harmonious Social Relations
Chapter 4 Relationship Between Human and Self
  4.1 Loss of Self-Identity Caused by Disharmonious Relationship with Self
    4.1.1 Lack of Morality and Virtues
    4.1.2 Lack of Self-Love and Self-Value
  4.2 Construction of Harmonious Relationship with Self
    4.2.1 Exploration of Morality and Virtues
    4.2.2 Awareness of Self-Love and Self-Value
Chapter 5 Conclusion

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