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  • 作者:編者:李伍//王陽//劉晶晶|責編:楊昕琦
  • 出版社:中國科大
  • ISBN:9787312055430
  • 出版日期:2023/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:308
人民幣:RMB 80 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Introduction to Earth Sciences
  1.2  The Importance of Earth Sciences
  1.3  The Scientific Method
  1.4  Introduction to Geology
Chapter 2  Star, Space and Galaxies
  2.1  Universe
    2.1.1  In the Beginning: the Big Bang
    2.1.2  The Nonhomogeneous Universe
  2.2  Milky Way
    2.2.1  The Nucleus of the Milky Way
    2.2.2  Galactic Nebulae
  2.3  Sun
    2.3.1  The Sun's Inner Structure
    2.3.2  The Photosphere
    2.3.3  The Sun's Outer Layers
  2.4  Planets
    2.4.1  Mercury
    2.4.2  Venus
    2.4.3  Earth
    2.4.4  Mars
    2.4.5  Jupiter
    2.4.6  Saturn
    2.4.7  Uranus
    2.4.8  Neptune
Chapter 3  Geological Process
  3.1  The Theory of Plate Tectonics
  3.2  How Plate Tectonics Affect Earth's Surface
    3.2.1  Volcanoes
    3.2.2  Earthquakes
    3.2.3  Mountain Building
Chapter 4  Petrology and Mineralogy
  4.1  Elements
    4.1.1  Distribution and Clark Value of Elements in the Crust of Earth
    4.1.2  Migration and Enrichment of Elements in the Crust of Earth
  4.2  Mineralogy
    4.2.1  Concept of Minerals
    4.2.2  Physical Properties of Minerals
    4.2.3  Main Rock Forming Minerals
  4.3  Petrology
    4.3.1  Igneous Rocks
    4.3.2  Sedimentary Rocks
    4.3.3  Metamorphic Rocks
Chapter 5  Atmospheric Science (Atmosphere)
  5.1  Introduction
  5.2  Origin, Composition and Structure of the Earth's Atmosphere
    5.2.1  Origin of Atmosphere
    5.2.2  Composition of Atmosphere
    5.2.3  Atmospheric Vertical Stratification

  5.3  Atmospheric Movement
  5.4  Climate Change
    5.4.1  Climate Formation and Classification
    5.4.2  Changing Climate
    5.4.3  Possible Causes of Climate Change
  5.5  Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Chapter 6  Marine Geology and Hydrology
  6.1  Introduction
  6.2  Hydrosphere
  6.3  Marine Topography
    6.3.1  Coastal Topography
    6.3.2  Continental Margin Topography
  6.4  Marine Geological Processes
    6.4.1  Movement of Sea Water
    6.4.2  Chemical Action of Seawater
    6.4.3  Role of Marine Life
    6.4.4  Erosion of Waves
    6.4.5  Erosion of Tidal Current and Ocean Current
    6.4.6  Erosion of Turbidity Current
    6.4.7  Erosion of Marine Life
    6.4.8  Sea Water Handling
    6.4.9  Marine Sedimentation
  6.5  Surface Water
    6.5.1  Rivers
    6.5.2  Lakes
    6.5.3  Wetlands and Soil Water
    6.5.4  Snow and Ice
  6.6  Groundwater
Chapter 7  Geophysics/Earth's Structure
  7.1  Earth Systems
  7.2  Earth's Internal Layered Structure
    7.2.1  Earth's Crust
    7.2.2  Earth's Mantle
    7.2.3  Inner and Outer Core
  7.3  Isostasy
  7.4  Gravity
  7.5  Earth's Magnetic Field
    7.5.1  Magnetic Reversals
    7.5.2  Magnetic Anomalies
  7.6  Earth's Temperature
    7.6.1  Geothermal Gradient
    7.6.2  Heat Flow
Chapter 8  Tectonics
  8.1  Continental Drift
  8.2  Seafloor Spreading
    8.2.1  Mapping the Ocean Floor
    8.2.2  Ocean-Floor Topography
    8.2.3  Ocean Rocks and Sediments
    8.2.4  Magnetism
    8.2.5  Seafloor Spreading

  8.3  The Theory of Plate Tectonics
    8.3.1  Divergent Plate Boundaries
    8.3.2  The Mid-Oceanic Ridge. Rifting in the Oceans
    8.3.3  Splitting Continents: Rifting in Continental Crust
    8.3.4  Convergent Plate Boundaries
    8.3.5  Transform Plate Boundaries
  8.4  Causes of Plate Motions
    8.4.1  Convection
    8.4.2  Push and Pull
  8.5  Supercontinents
  8.6  Vertical Movement of the Lithosphere
Chapter 9  Geochronology
  9.1  Geochronology Methods
    9.1.1  Relative Dating
    9.1.2  Absolute Dating
    9.1.3  Magnetostratigraphy
  9.2  Geologic Time Scale
    9.2.1  Composition of Geological Time Scale
    9.2.2  The Introduction to the Phanerozoic
Chapter 10  Stratigraphy
  10.1  Principles of Stratigraphy
  10.2  Stratigraphic Classification
    10.2.1  Lithostratigraphic Units
    10.2.2  Biostratigraphic Units
    10.2.3  Chronostratigraphic and Geochronological Units
  10.3  Stratotypes
Chapter 11  Paleontology, Paleoanthropology and Paleoeeology
  11.1  Paleontology
    11.1.1  Trace Fossils
    11.1.2  Classification of Paleontology
    11.1.3  Nomenclature of Paleontology
    11.1.4  Paleontological Evolution
    11.1.5  Trilobites
    11.1.6  Plant Fossils
  11.2  Paleoanthropology
  11.3  Palaeoecology
Chapter 12  Applied Geology I
  12.1  Ore and Ore Deposits
    12.1.1  Magmatic Processes
    12.1.2  Hydrothermal Processes
    12.1.4  Sedimentary Processes
  12.2  Petroleum
    12.2.1  Formation of Petroleum
  12.3  Natural Gas
  12.4  Unconventional Petroleum and Gas Reservoirs
    12.4.1  Coal Bed Methane
    12.4.2  Tar Sands
  12.5  Coal Geology
    12.5.1  Coal
    12.5.2  Coal Formation

    12.5.3  Lithotypes
    12.5.4  Macerals
    12.5.5  Coal Rank
    12.5.6  Coal Geology in Mining
Chapter 13  Applied Geology
  13.1  Engineering Geology
    13.1.1  Weathering
    13.1.2  Debris Flow
    13.1.3  Karst
    13.1.4  Landslide and Collapse
    13.1.5  Earthquake
  13.2  Hydrogeology
    13.2.1  Introduction
    13.2.2  Development and Utilization of Groundwater
  13.3  Geothermic Geology
    13.3.1  Introduction
    13.3.2  Geothermal System Type
    13.3.3  Geothermal Development and Utilization
Chapter 14  Exploration Engineering
  14.1  Geophysical Exploration
    14.1.1  Gravity Exploration
    14.1.2  Electrical Prospecting
    14.1.3  Magnetic Exploration
    14.1.4  Seismic Exploration
  14.2  Drilling Exploration
  14.3  Pit Exploration
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