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  • 作者:編者:張顯庫//趙健//張國慶|責編:張慧
  • 出版社:大連海事大學
  • ISBN:9787563243440
  • 出版日期:2022/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:195
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:

    A survey conducted by the China Association for Science and Technology found that 38.6% of scientific researchers believed that they lacked enough knowledge of scientific research ethics and academic norms, and 49.6% of scientific and technical specialists stated that they had not systematically understood and learned knowledge in this regard. It reflects the importance and urgency of enhancing the education of scientific ethics and academic norms in the field of Chinese higher education.


Chapter 1  Introduction
  1.1  Attitude toward research
  1.2  How to do well as a postgraduate?
  1.3  The original purpose of the course
Chapter 2  Thesis Selection, Literature Review, and Condensed Questions
  2.1  Selection of thesis topic
  2.2  Study of literatures and condensation of questions
  2.3  Correct treatment of errors in literature
Chapter 3  Experimental Conduct and Data Analysis
  3.1  How to conduct thesis experiments?
  3.2  Thesis experiment tools
  3.3  Analysis of experimental results
Chapter 4  Thesis Writing Skills Improvement
  4.1  Thesis writing specifications
  4.2  Academic ethics in the scientific research process
  4.3  Seven tips for writing a high-level paper
Chapter 5  Thesis Writing Tools: Microsoft Word and Latex
  5.1  Microsoft Word
  5.2  Latex
Chapter 6  Paper Submission and Revision
  6.1  How to select proper journals?
  6.2  Submission
  6.3  Post-submission issues
Chapter 7  How to Write a Scientific and Technical Paper?
  7.1  Publishing academic papers is the responsibility of scientific researchers
  7.2  Sharing academic ideas is an important means to expand academic influence
  7.3  Pay attention to the publication of small academic articles
  7.4  Case study: A published English paper as an example
Chapter 8  How to Write a Thesis? (Example)
  8.1  Outline for writing a thesis proposal
  8.2  How to carry out thesis work?
  8.3  Thesis revision work
  Appendix 1  SCI Journal Division of the Discipline of Transportation Engineering
  Appendix 2  Example of an Abstract
  Appendix 3  Things That Are Easily Overlooked But Important in Writing Scientitle Papers
  Appendix 4  The Paper Was Finally Accepted After 8 Revisions
  Appendix 5  Common Errors in Master' s Theses
  Appendix 6  Enhancing the Data Collection Skills of Postgraduates

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