幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:余建中//宋梅|責編:曹珍芬|總主編:余建中//陳永捷//王朝暉//姜荷梅
  • 出版社:復旦大學
  • ISBN:9787309165777
  • 出版日期:2022/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:320
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



1  College Life
  II.Suggested Teaching Plan
  III.Background Information
  IV.Class Presentation
  Listening & Speaking
  Reading & Writing
    Text A: College --A Transition Point in My Life
    Text B: What I Hope to Gain from a College Education
  Basic Reading Skills
  Practical Reading & Writing: Campus Safety Tips & Registration Forms
2  AI
  II.Suggested Teaching Plan
  III.Background Information
  IV.Class Presentation
  Listening & Speaking
  Reading & Writing
    Text A: The Internet of Things
    Text B: Big Data Is Everywhere
  Basic Reading Skills
  Practical Reading & Writing: Purchasing Directions & Book Order Forms
3  Thanks
  II.Suggested Teaching Plan
  III.Background Information
  IV.Class Presentation
  Listening & Speaking
  Reading & Writing
    Text A: Thanks, Mom, for All You Have Done
    Text B: His Life's Work
  Basic Reading Skills
  Practical Reading & Writing: Application Forms
4  Cultural Issues
  II.Suggested Teaching Plan
  III.Background Information
  IV.Class Presentation
  Listening & Speaking
  Reading & Writing
    Text A: The Basics of Business Etiquette
    Text B: The Silent Language of Cross-Cultural Gift-Giving
  Basic Reading Skills
  Practical Reading & Writing: Notices
5  Social Responsibility

  II.Suggested Teaching Plan
  III.Background Information
  IV.Class Presentation
  Listening & Speaking
  Reading & Writing
    Text A: Do-Gooders Are Also Feel-Gooders
    Text B: A Hero in the Mountains
  Basic Reading Skills
  Practical Reading & Writing: Thank-You Notes
6  Mobile Technology
  II.Suggested Teaching Plan
  III.Background Information
  IV.Class Presentation
  Listening & Speaking
  Reading & Writing
    Text A: The Negative Effects of Cell Phones
    Text B: Mobile App Designer
  Basic Reading Skills
  Practical Reading & Writing: Notes of Congratulations
Grammar Review
  I.Countable and Uncountable Nouns
  II.Adjectives and Adverbs: the Comparative Degree and the Superlative Degree
  III.Modal Verbs
  IV.Sentence Patterns
  V.Verb Tenses (1)
  VI.Verb Tenses (2)
  VII.Verb Tenses (3)
  VIII.Verb Tenses (4)

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