幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:辛紅娟//張智中|責編:包靈靈
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308233293
  • 出版日期:2023/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:179
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



  Hills & Eills
  A Morning View of Sea-side Clouds [Tang Dynasty] Li Bai
  Touring the All-Luminosity Mountain [Tang Dynasty] Liu Zhangqing
  Climbing the All-Luminosity Mountain at Night with Hermits [Tang Dynasty] Shi Jianwu
  Lodging in the All-Luminosity Mountain [Tang Dynasty] Shi Jianwu
  Remembering the Mountain Spring of All-Luminosity Mountain [Tang Dynasty] Shi Jianwu
  Touring Xuedou Temple [Tang Dynasty] Fang Gan
  Inscription on the Lofty Dragon Spring Temple [Tang Dynasty] Fang Gan
  Journey Back to the All-Luminosity Mountain [Song Dynasty] Hu Youzhen
  Ode to Five Peaks of Jiangshan Mountain: To Golden Rooster Peak
  [The Five Dynasties] Shi Yanshou
  Ode to Five Peaks of Jiangshan Mountain: To Eyebrows Peak
  [The Five Dynasties] Shi Yanshou
  Ode to Five Peaks of Jiangshan Mountain: To Green-Amassing Peak
  [The Five Dynasties] Shi Yanshou
  Ode to Five Peaks of Jiangshan Mountain: To Cloud-Kissing Peak
  [The Five Dynasties] Shi Yanshou
  Ode to Five Peaks of Jiangshan Mountain: To White Horse Peak
  [The Five Dynasties] Shi Yanshou
  Houtao Mountain [Song Dynasty] Ying You
  Qianzhang Rock Waterfall [Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi
  Passing by Dongqian Lake on the Cold Food Festival [Yuan Dynasty] Yuan Shiyuan
  Zenism & Daoism
  To Taoist Xiao Bound for the All-Luminosity Mountain [Tang Dynasty] Meng Jiao
  To a Buddhist Monk in the Depth of Woods [Tang Dynasty] Zhou He
  Fan Di's Inscription on the Stone Tablet at Ashoka Temple [Tang Dynasty] Yu Jiyou
  In Reply to My Friend Yu Jiyou [Tang Dynasty] Fan Di

  Inscription on the Wall of Golden Goose Temple [Tang Dynasty] L? Yan
  In Remembrance of My Monk-Friend Zongliang [Tang Dynasty] Guan Xiu
  Inscription on the Wall of a Zen Master Room at Xuedou Temple [Tang Dynasty] Fang Gan
  To Accomplished Monk Zongliang [Tang Dynasty] Fang Gan
  Touring Yuelin Temple [Tang Dynasty] Fang Gan
  Pool of Alms Bowl Washing [Tang Dynasty] Xing Yunzhong
  The Buddhist Temple on the Mountaintop [Tang Dynasty] Xing Yunzhong
  A Zen Master at Xuedou Temple [Tang Dynasty] Cui Daorong
  Along the Way to Tiantong Temple [Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi
  Tiantong Temple [Yuan Dynasty] Jin Yuansu
  On the Way to Zhangxi Mountain [Ming Dynasty] Wang Yangming
  Two Poems on Being Invited to Tour the Mountain Villa Xiyin [Ming Dynasty] Yu Yin
  Climate & Produce
  To My Friend Mr. Kou to Mingzhou [Tang Dynasty] Wu Yuanheng
  To My Friend Yu Jiyou in Mingzhou (the 1st of three poems) [Tang Dynasty] Bai Juyi寄明州于駙馬使君三絕句(其二)[唐]白居易
  To My Friend Yu Jiyou in Mingzhou (the 2nd of three poems) [Tang Dynasty] Bai Juyi寄明州于駙馬使君三絕句(其三)[唐]白居易
  To My Friend Yu Jiyou in Mingzhou (the 3rd of three poems) [Tang Dynasty] Bai Juyi秘色越器[唐]陸龜蒙
  The Greenish Blue Chinaware [Tang Dynasty] Lu Guimeng
  The Greenish Blue Teabowls as a Tribute [Tang Dynasty] Xu Yin
  To Governor Qian on His Renovating Joy Pavilion in Mingzhou [Song Dynasty] Sima Guang
  Reading the Sketch of Mingzhou [Song Dynasty] Wang Anshi
  明州?宋?陸 游
  The Affluent Lifestyle in Mingzhou [Song Dynasty] Lu You
  About Tuoshan Mountain [Song Dynasty] Lou Yao
  Tuoshan Mountain Weir [Song Dynasty] Anonymous
  秋夜有懷明州張子淵[元]迺 賢
  Missing Zhang Ziyuan of Mingzhou on an Autumn Night [Yuan Dynasty] Nai Xian
  On the City Gate Tower of Mingzhou [Ming Dynasty] Shen Mingchen
  About Local Produce of All-Luminosity Mountain: To Alpine Violet of Chijin Mountain

  [Qing Dynasty] Quan Zuwang
  Horse Beans [Qing Dynasty] Sun Shilun
  Poem of Xiangshan: To the Ribbon Fish [Qing Dynasty] Ni Xiangzhan
  Tianyi Pavilion L?brary [Qing Dynasty] Xin Zishu
  Parting & Gift-presenting
  To Mr. Xie Yifu as the County Magistrate of Yuyao [Tang Dynasty] Dai Shulun
  送施肩吾東歸[唐]張 籍
  Farewell to Shi Jianwu [Tang Dynasty] Zhang Ji
  寄寧海李明府[唐] 周 賀
  To County Magistrate Li of Ninghai [Tang Dynasty] Zhou He
  酬餘姚鄭模明府見贈長句四韻[唐]張 祜
  To County Magistrate Zheng Mo of Yuyao [Tang Dynasty] Zhang Hu
  To Two Seniors at the Northern Ferry of Yinjiang River [Tang Dynasty] Xu Hun
  Inscription on the Wall of Mr. Sun after Touring the Temple of Two Taoist Immort:in the All-Luminosity Mountain [Tang Dynasty] Li Pin
  明州江亭夜別段秀才[唐]李 頻
  Night Adieu to Mr. Duan at a Riverside Pavilion of Mingzhou [Tang Dynasty] Li Pin
  To Mr. Zhang, a Subprefect-Friend of Cixi County [Tang Dynasty] Fang Gan
  Farewell to My Friend Zhong Jiwen in All-Luminosity Mountain [Tang Dynasty] Du Xunhe
  To My Friend Back to Corea (excerpt) [Song Dynasty] Cheng Duanxue
  Composed at the Gathering of Friends at Tianyi Pavilion [Ming Dynasty] Fan Qin
  Postscript Xin Hongjuan

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