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  • 作者:編者:鄭綿平|責編:孟美岑//李亞佩
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030738394
  • 出版日期:2022/11/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:547
人民幣:RMB 528 元      售價:



第一部分  重點實驗室及野外台站建設
  自然資源部鹽湖資源與環境重點實驗室 2020年度運行簡況
第二部分  鹽類及其他礦產
  Progress in the investigation of potash resources in western China
  Geothermal-type lithium resources in southern Xizang, China
  Hydrochemical characteristics and evolution of hot fluids in the Gudui geothermal field in Comei County, Himalayas
  O, H, and Sr isotope evidence for origin and mixing processes of the Gudui geothermal system, Himalayas, China
  Sedimentary and geochemical characteristics of Triassic new type of polyhalite potassium resources in northeast Sichuan and its genetic study
  Distribution of trace elements, Sr-C isotopes, andsedimentarycharacteristics as paleoenvironmental indicator of the Late Permian Linxi Formation in the Linxi Area, eastern Inner Mongolia
  Differences in evaporite geochemistry of the greater Ordos Ordovician salt basin, China: evidence from the M56 submember of the Majiagou Formation
  Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of Triassic Lithium-rich K-bentonite deposits in Xiejiacao section, south China
  Rare earth element and strontium isotope geochemistry in Dujiali Lake, central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China: implications for the origin of hydromagnesite deposits
第三部分  鹽湖化工
  Solid-liquid equilibria of KCl in polyethylene glycol 6000-H2O mixed solvent at 288.2, 298.2, and 308.2 K: experiment and correlation
  Experimental study of the Tibetan Dangxiong Co salt lake brine during isothermal evaporation at 25 ℃
  Phase equilibria of the ternary systems potassium sulfate + polyethylene glycol (PEG6000/10,000) + water at 288.2, 298.2 and 308.2 K: experimental determination and correlation
  Solid-liquid equilibrium of quinary aqueous solution composed of lithium, potassium, rubidium, magnesium, and borate at 323.15 K
  Solid-liquid equilibrium of ternary system K2SO4-PEG4000-H2O at T = (288, 298, and 308) K: measurements and correlation
第四部分  鹽湖古氣候與生態環境
  Late Mio-Pliocene landscape evolution around the Chaka Basin in the NE Tibetan Plateau: insights from geochemical perspectives
  Grain size of surface sediments in Selin Co (central Tibet) linked to water depth and offshore distance
  High-resolution geochemical record for the last 1100 yr from Lake Toson, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its climatic implications
  New understanding of lithium isotopic evolution from source to deposit—a case study of the Qaidam Basin
  Dalangtan saline playa in a hyperarid region on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau-I: evolution and environments
  Edaphic characterization and plant zonation in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau
  Influence of the regional climate variat
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