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  • 作者:編者:魏培君
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030740601
  • 出版日期:2022/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:361
人民幣:RMB 188 元      售價:



1 Fundamentals of Elastodynamics
  1.1  Basic Hypothesis of Elastodynamics
    1.1.1  Continuity Hypothesis
    1.1.2  Elasticity Hypothesis
    1.1.3  Small Deformation Hypothesis
    1.1.4  Homogeneous Hypothesis
    1.1.5  Isotropic Hypothesis
    1.1.6  Zero Initial Stress Hypothesis
  1.2  Basic Conservation Laws of Elastodynamics
    1.2.1  Law of Mass Conservation
    1.2.2  Law of Conservation of Momentum
    1.2.3  The Law of Conservation of Energy
  1.3  Variational Principle of Elastodynamics
  1.4  The Initial Boundary Value Problem of Elastodynamics
  1.5  Transient and Steady-State Problems
2 Elastic Waves in an Infinite Medium
  2.1  Scalar Potential and Vector Potential
  2.2  Solution of Wave Equation
  2.3  Properties of Plane Waves
    2.3.1  Propagation Mode of Plane Waves
    2.3.2  The Stress Distribution on the Wavefront
    2.3.3  The Energy Flow Density of a Plane Wave
  2.4  Inhomogeneous Plane Wave
  2.5  Spectrum Analysis of Plane Wave
3 Reflection and Transmission of Elastic Waves at Interfaces
  3.1  Classification of Interfaces and Plane Waves
    3.1.1  Perfect Interface and Imperfect Interface
    3.1.2  P Wave, S Wave and SH Wave
  3.2  Reflection of Elastic Waves on Free Surface
    3.2.1  Reflection of P Wave on Free Surface
    3.2.2  Reflection of SH Waves on Free Surface
    3.2.3  Reflection of SV Waves on Free Surface
    3.2.4  Incident P Wave and SV Wave Simultaneously
  3.3  Reflection and Transmission of Elastic Waves at the Interface
    3.3.1  Reflection and Transmission of P Waves at the Interface
    3.3.2  Reflection and Transmission of SH Waves at the Interface
    3.3.3  Reflection and Transmission of SV Waves at the Interface
    3.3.4  P Wave and SV Wave Incidence Simultaneously
  3.4  Reflection and Transmission of Waves at the Periodic Corrugated Interface
4 Reflection and Transmission of Elastic Waves in Multilayer Media
  4.1  Simultaneous Interface Conditions Method
  4.2  Transfer Matrix Method
  4.3  Stiffness Matrix Method
  4.4  Multiple Reflection/Transmission Method
  4.5  Super-Interface Method
  4.6  The State Transfer Equation Method
  4.7  Bloch Waves in Periodic Layered Structures
5 Surface Wave and Interface Wave
  5.1  P-type Surface Waves and SY-Type Surface Waves
  5.2  Rayleigh Wave

    5.2.1  Rayleigh Wave』s Wave Function
    5.2.2  Rayleigh Equation
    5.2.3  The Displacement Field of the Ryleigh Wave
    5.2.4  Rayleigh Wave in Elastic Half-Space with Cover Layer
  5.3  Love Wave
    5.3.1  The Displacement Distribution of Love Wave
    5.3.2  The Dispersion Equation of Love Wave
  5.4  Stoneley Wave
    5.4.1  Wave Function of Stoneley Wave
    5.4.2  Stoneley Equation
  5.5  Torsional Surface Wave
6 Guided Waves
  6.1  Flexural Waves in Beams
  6.2  Flexural Waves in Plate
  6.3  Guided Waves in Plate (Lamb Wave)
    6.3.1  Mixed Boundary Condition
    6.3.2  Free Boundary Conditions
    6.3.3  Fixed Boundary Condition
    6.3.4  Liquid Load on Both Sides
  6.4  Guided Waves in Cylindrical Rod
    6.4.1  Axisymmetric Torsional Waves
    6.4.2  Axisymmetric Compression Waves
    6.4.3  Non-axisymmetric Guided Waves (Bending Waves)
    6.4.4  Surface with Liquid Load
  6.5  Waves in Cylindrical Tube
    6.5.1  Axisymmetric Torsional Waves
    6.5.2  Axisymmetric Compression Waves
    6.5.3  Non-axisymmetric Waves (Bending Waves)
    6.5.4  Inner and Outer Surfaces with Liquid Load
  6.6  Guided Waves in Spherical Shell
    6.6.1  Inner and Outer Free Surfaces
    6.6.2  Inner and Outer Surfaces with Liquid Loads

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