幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:中華思想文化術語編委會|責編:劉佳
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787521341003
  • 出版日期:2022/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:179
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:



1 a?ibi?n?-b?sh?n? 哀兵必勝 An Endangered Army Filled with Indignation Will Be Victorious
2 bi?n 辯 Debate
3 bi?n??u?sh?ns? 兵貴神速 Speed Is Key in Warfare
4 bi?ng zhi? sh?ngb?i, be?n z?iy? zh?ng 兵之勝敗,本在於政 Victory or Defeat in War Is Dictated by State Policy.
5 bi?ng zhi?suo?yi? qi?ng zhe?, m?n ye? 兵之所以強者,民也 The Military Is Strong Because It Enjoys Popular Support
6 ch?n? ku?ihuo bi?n sh? ?o?n?fu 常快活便是功夫 To Stay Constantly Joyful Is a True Attainment.
7 ch?nqi?n-fe?n?s?n? 沉潛諷誦 Focused Study Through Reading and Recitation
8 ch?ny?-d?ncu? 沉鬱頓挫 Pensiveness and Cadence
9 c? bi? sh? yi?jia? 詞別是一家 Ci Poems Have a Distinctive Style
10 d?r?n 大人 Man of Virtue
11 d?t?n?y?/xia?oto?n?y? 大同異 / 小同異 Major Commonality and Difference / Minor Commonality and Difference
12 d?yi?/xia?oyi? 大一 / 小一 The Largest One / The Smallest One.
13 d?o j?n ji? w?nw? zhi? li? 道盡稽萬物之理 Dao Encompasses the Patterns of All Things.
14 d?oy? ke? zu?n, w? z? f?f?n 道義可尊,無擇負販 A Person Who Leads a Moral and Righteous Life Commands Respect Even If He Is a Humble Peddler
15 d?d?o 地道 Way of Earth
16 f?nb?i 梵唄 Bra?hma Pa?4thaka (Buddhist Chant).
17 f?mu?zhi?ba?n? 父母之邦 Mother Country
18 ?o?n?che?pu? 工尺譜 Gong-che Notation
19 ?o?n?l?n 公論 Public Opinion
20 ?ua?n?yi?n?-la?n?li?n 光英朗練 Concise and Clear Wording Makes Writings Shine.
21 ji?q? 機趣 Verve and Appeal
22 j(i? wo?) 己(我) Self (Myself)
23 ji? y? l? ?r l? r?n 己欲立而立人 While Seeking to Establish Oneself, One Strives Also to Establish Others.
24 jia?nb?i-xia?n?y?n? 堅白相盈 Solidity and Whiteness Ful ll Each Other
25 ju?j? 絕句 Jueju (Quatrain) .
26 ku?n?zhe?-xio?n?c? 狂者胸次 An Unrestrained Mind
27 l?ji?n 樂諫 Welcome Admonishments
28 li? b? xi? sh?r?n 禮不下庶人 The Common People Are Not Bound by Ceremonial Rites.
29 li?q? 六氣 Six Forms of Qi (Vital Force)
30 l?n?li? 隆禮 Respect for Social Norms
31 l shi? 律詩 L?shi (Regulated Verse; Rhythmic Poetry)
32 n?n?w?i-y?su?, b?w?i-wa?qu?n 寧為玉碎,不為瓦全 Rather Be a Broken Jade Vessel Than a Whole Clay Pot / Rather Die with Honor Than Live in Shame
33 p?n b? xu? jia?n, be?i b? xu? ?o?n? 貧不學儉,卑不學恭 Poor People Do Not Need to Learn Frugality, and Humble People Do Not Need to Learn Respectfulness.
34 p?n?shui?y?n 平水韻 Pingshui Rhyming System
35 q?sh?n?-y?ny? 氣盛言宜 Virtue and Knowledge Produce Good Writing.
36 q?n』?rb?da?n? 群而不黨 Be Sociable but Never Form a Clique
37 r?n n?n? h?n? d?o, fe?i d?o h?n? r?n 人能弘道,非道弘人 People Can Promote Dao, Rather Than Use Dao Does Not Promote Themselves.
38 r?nr?n-zh?sh? 仁人志士 A Person with Compassion, Integrity and Resolve.
39 sha?she?n-ch?n?r?n 殺身成仁 Sacri ce Life to Preserve Virtue
40 sh?n sh?n? bi?n? zhe?, xia?n z? xiu?li? 善勝兵者,先自修理 Success in War Requires Good Organization.
41 sh?n zh?n zhe?, l?y? b?b?izhi?d? 善戰者,立於不敗之地 Those Who Excel at War Must First Protect Themselves from Defeat.
42 shi?k?z?ih? 師克在和 To Be Victorious, an Army Must Be United.
43 sh?』?r p?ngju?nl?? 十二平均律 The Twelve-tone Equal Temperament
44 s?she?n?-ba?b?n? 四聲八病 Four Tones and Eight Rhythmical Errors .
45 s?pu? 素樸 The Natural State
46 sui? f?f?n, b? yo?u zu?n 雖負販,必有尊 Even Peddlers Have Something to Be Respected for.
47 sui? tia?nzi?, b? yo?u zu?n 雖天子,必有尊 Even the Son of Heaven Has Something to Respect.
48 sui? yo?u zh?hu?, b?r? ch?n?sh? 雖有智慧,不如乘勢 Even If One Is Intelligent, It Is Better to Follow the Trend of the Times.
49 tia?nd?o yua?n, r?nd?o e?r 天道遠,人道邇 The Way of Heaven Is Far Away, While the Way of Man Is Near at Hand.81
50 tia?nd?zhi?q? 天地之氣 The Qi (Vital F
51 tia?nxi? w? she?n? ?r ?u? zhe? 天下無生而貴者 No One in the World Is Born Noble.
52 tia?nxi?n? 天象 Heavenly Phenomena
53 tia?nx?n?-yo?uch?n? 天行有常 Nature』s Ways Are Constant.
54 t?n?xi?n 童心 Childlike Heart
55 w?nw?-yi?ti? 萬物一體 All Things Are One.
56 w?nw?zhi?li? 萬物之理 Universal Principle
57 w?n?yo?u-qi?n?l? 忘憂清樂 Forget One』s Worries and Enjoy Leisurely Tranquility
58 w?iwo? 為我 For One』s Own Sake  
59 w?nhu? 文化 Wenhua (Cultural Education).
60 w?n qi? ba?d?? zhi? shua?i, d?o j? tia?nxi? zhi? n? 文起八代之衰,道濟天下之溺 The Classical Style of Writing Revived the Literary Style in Decline During the Eight Dynasties; Confucianism Lifts the People out of Their Mental Plight.
61 w?nwu?zhi?d?o, yi?zha?n?-yi?ch? 文武之道,一張一弛 The Rules of King Wen and King Wu Are Like Slack and Taut Bowstrings
62 wo? sho?u xie? wo? ko?u 我手寫我口 I Write What I Want to Say
63 w?qi?n? 無窮 Limitlessness / In nity
64 w?x?n? 無形 Incorporeal
65 w? yi? z? w? l?il? 無一字無來歷 No Word Is Without a Source
66 wu?l 五律 Five-character Rhythmic Poetry
67 xi?l?-xia?n?f?n? yo?n? zhe? sh?n? 狹路相逢勇者勝 When Confronting the Opponent on a Narrow Path, the Boldest Will Prevail.
68 xia?nsh?ng-h?uzh?n 先勝后戰 Be Sure of Winning Before Engaging in War
69 xi?nli?n?zhi?me?i 現量之美 Beauty of Spontaneous Response.
71 xi?n?ji?o 象教 Image-based Teaching
71 xia?ol?n? 小令 Xiaoling (Short Lyrics / Short Songs)
72 xi?oy?n 效驗 Veri cation and Validation
73 xi?nbe?nz?l? 心本自樂 Joy Is Original of Man』s Heart and Mind
74 xu?nm?zhi?bia?o 玄默之表 Being Quiet and Reticent
75 xu? y? zh?n?r?n, si? w?i sh?n?r?n 學于眾人,斯為聖人 Learning from Others Enables One to Become a Sage
76 y?nyu? 燕樂 Banquet Music
77 ya?n?bi?n?-qia?nr?, y?n?bi?n?-yi?sh? 養兵千日,用兵一時 Maintain an Army a Thousand Days for Use at a Critical Time
78 yi? yi?n yi? y?n? zhi? w?i d?o 一陰一陽之謂道 The Alternation of Yin and Yang Constitutes the Way.
79 yi?shi?w?ic? 以詩為詞 Writing Ci Poems in a General Poetic Style
80 yi?w?nw?ic? 以文為詞 Writing Ci Poems as Prose
81 yi?ny?n?zhi?q? 陰陽之氣 The Qi (Vital Force) of Yin and Yang.
82 yi?nq?n?-d?ncu? 音情頓挫 Achieving Rhythm of Speech and Emotion and Cadence of Speech
83 yo?ud?i 有待 Having Something to Depend on
84 yo?uw?i 有為 Action
85 yo?ux?n? 有形 Corporeal
86 y? m?u sh?n? d?, xia?n m?u r?nh? 欲謀勝敵,先謀人和 To Overcome the Enemy, First Build Unity.
87 yu?nq? 元氣 Yuanqi / Fundamental Qi (Vital Force)
88 yu? y?n ?r fe?n?, chu? r?n ?r yu? 月暈而風,礎潤而雨 A Lunar Halo Forecasts Wind, and a Wet Column Base Forecasts Rain
89 y?ny?n?zhi?mi?o, c?nhu?yi?xi?n 運用之妙,存乎一心 The Skillful Use of Tactics Depends on the Thinking and Judgment of the Commander.
90 zh?n sh?n? y?, sho?u sh?n? n?n 戰勝易,守勝難 It Is Easy to Win a War but Di cult to Retain the Victory
91 zhi?ji?-zhi?bi?, ba?izh?n-b?d?i 知己知彼,百戰不殆 Know Yourself, Know Your Enemy and You Will Know No Peril.
92 zhi?r?n 知人 Know Others
93 zhi?r?n-l?nsh? 知人論世 Know Others and Discuss Their World
94 zhi?y?n-ya?n?q? 知言養氣 Understanding True Meanings of Statements and Cultivating Uprightness
95 zh?ch?ng-w?xi? 至誠無息 The Highest Level of Sincerity Is Endless.
96 zh?q?n? 至情 True Passion
97 zh? tia?nm?n? ?r y?n? zhi? 制天命而用之 Grasp and Utilize the Endowments of Heaven.
98 zh?n?l? 眾樂 Share Joy with Other People
99 z?w?i 自為 For the Sake of Self-interest
100 zu?we?n?zhi?l? 醉翁之樂 The Joy of the Old Drunkard


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