幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:余衛華//諶莉|責編:劉艷
  • 出版社:清華大學
  • ISBN:9787302614449
  • 出版日期:2022/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:278
人民幣:RMB 75 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Brief Introduction to Intercultural Communication
  1.1  Defining and Describing Culture
    1.1.1  Two Types of Culture
    1.1.2  Five Dimensions of Culture
    1.1.3  Characteristics of Culture
  1.2  Culture and Communication
    1.2.1  Defining and Describing Communication
    1.2.2  Relationship Between Culture and Communication
  1.3  Defining and Describing Intercultural Communication
    1.3.1  Definition of Intercultural Communication
    1.3.2  Five Elements in the Communication Process
Chapter 2  Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
  2.1  Introduction to Verbal Communication
    2.1.1  Role of Language in Verbal Communication
    2.1.2  Receptive and Productive Language Skills
    2.1.3  Need for Using Bias-Free Language
    2.1.4  Types of Verbal Communication
  2.2  Verbal Communication Skills
    2.2.1  Effective Verbal Communication
    2.2.2  Examples of Verbal Communication Skills in the Workplace
    2.2.3  7Cs of Communication
    2.2.4  Steps to Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills in the Workplace
  2.3  Introduction to Nonverbal Communication
    2.3.1  Definition of Nonverbal Communication
    2.3.2  Types and Features of Nonverbal Communication
  2.4  Functions of Nonverbal Communication
    2.4.1  Conveying Meaning
    2.4.2  Regulating Conversational Flow
    2.4.3  Affecting Relationships
    2.4.4  Expressing ldentities
  2.5  Guidelines to Improve Nonverbal Competence
Chapter 3  Communicative Competence & Intercultural Competence
  3.1  Communicative Competence & Intercultural Communicative Competence
    3.1.1  Framework for Communicative Competence
    3.1.2  Concept of Intercultural Communicative Competence
    3.1.3  Concept of Transcultural Competence
    3.1.4  Skills of Multilingual Communicators
  3.2  Communicating Under Different Cultural Contexts
    3.2.1  Differences in Greetings
    3.2.2  Differences in Approval and Disapproval Movements
    3.2.3  High-Contact Culture & Low-Contact Culture
    3.2.4  Signs Cannot Be Used Casually Abroad
  3.3  A Recipe for Successful Intercultural Communication
    3.3.1  A Heart Set
    3.3.2  A Mindset
    3.3.3  A Skill Set
    3.3.4  Other Practical Approaches
  3.4  Culture Shock
    3.4.1  Five Stages of Culture Shock
    3.4.2  Reverse Culture Shock

    3.4.3  Transition Shock
Chapter 4  Cultural Patterns
  4.1  A Brief Introduction to Cultural Patterns
    4.1.1  Beliefs
    4.1.2  Values
    4.1.3  Norms
  4.2  High-Context & Low-Context Cultures
    4.2.1  High-Context Culture
    4.2.2  Low-Context Culture
    4.2.3  Differences Between High-Context Culture & Low-Context Culture
    4.2.4  China—A Country in a High-Context Culture
    4.2.5  America-A Country in a Low-Context Culture
  4.3  Cultural Dimensions Theory
    4.3.1  Masculinity & Femininity
    4.3.2  High Power Distance & Low Power Distance
    4.3.3  Collectivism & Individualism
    4.3.4  Uncertainty Avoidance
    4.3.5  Long-Term Orientation & Short-Term Orientation
  4.4  Values Orientation Theory
    4.4.1  Human-Nature Orientation
    4.4.2  Man-Nature Orientation
    4.4.3  Time Orientation
    4.4.4  Activity Orientation
    4.4.5  Relational Orientation
Chapter 5  Intercultural Communication in Various Social Contexts
  5.1  Family and Friends
    5.1.1  Brief Introduction to Relationship
    5.1.2  Family Relationships
    5.1.3  Friendships
  5.2  Education
    5.2.1  Relationship Between Education and Culture
    5.2.2  Cultural Dimensions in an Educational Context
  5.3  Economics and Business
    5.3.1  Three Main Factors Influencing International Communication in Business
    5.3.2  Important Tips on Doing Business Internationally
  5.4  Principles and Rules of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 6  Cultural Bias
  6.1  Stereotype
    6.1.1  Definition of Stereotype
    6.1.2  Three Major Types of Stereotypes
    6.1.3  Two Dimensions of Stereotypes
    6.1.4  Characteristics of Stereotypes
    6.1.5  Causes of Stereotypes
    6.1.6  Influences of Stereotypes
    6.1.7  Tips on Reducing Stereotypes
  6.2  Prejudice
    6.2.1  Definition of Prejudice
    6.2.2  Seven Types of Prejudice
    6.2.3  Causes of Prejudice
    6.2.4  Influences of Prejudice

  6.3  Racism
    6.3.1  Brief Introduction to Racism
    6.3.2  Four Main Types of Racism
    6.3.3  Causes and Effects of Different Types of Racism
    6.3.4  Ways to Cope with Racism
  6.4  Stereotypes, Prejudice & Intercultural Communication
    6.4.1  Interrelationship Among Stereotypes, Prejudice & Discrimination
    6.4.2  Impacts of Stereotype and Prejudice on Intercultural Communication
Chapter 7  Identity
  7.1  Personal ldentity
  7.2  Social ldentity
    7.2.1  Understanding of Social Identity
    7.2.2  Henri Tajfel and His Social ldentity Theory
    7.2.3  Three Stages of Social Identity Awareness
    7.2.4  Realistic Group Conflict Theory: Intergroup Conflict
    7.2.5  ldentity Threat
  7.3  Cultural Identity
    7.3.1  Definition of Cultural Identity
    7.3.2  Major Types of Cultural Identities
    7.3.3  Formation of Cultural Identity: Jean S. Phinney's Three-Stage Model of Ethnic Identity Development
Chapter 8  Globalization and Global Citizenship
  8.1  Globalization
    8.1.1  Overview of Globalization
    8.1.2  Economic Globalization
    8.1.3  Political Globalization
    8.1.4  Cultural Globalization
  8.2  Global Citizenship
    8.2.1  Definition of Global Citizenship
    8.2.2  Core Themes of Global Citizenship
    8.2.3  Outlooks of Global Citizenship
    8.2.4  Skills Needed for Global Citizenship
  8.3  Global Citizenship Education
    8.3.1  Definition of Global Citizenship Education
    8.3.2  Pedagogical Features of Global Citizenship Education

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