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  • 作者:編者:陳達燦|責編:楊璐//劉倩雯|譯者:李偉彬//陳驥
  • 出版社:外文
  • ISBN:9787119132082
  • 出版日期:2022/11/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:151
人民幣:RMB 110 元      售價:


    陳達燦,教授,主任中醫師,博士生導師,廣東省名中醫。現任廣東省中醫院(廣州中醫藥大學第二附屬醫院、廣州中醫藥大學第二臨床醫學院、廣東省中醫藥科學院)院長,中華中醫藥學會副會長、中國醫院協會副會長、廣東省中醫藥學會副會長、廣州中醫大學中西醫結合學科帶頭人、世界中醫藥學會聯合會皮膚科專業委員會會長、中華中醫藥學會皮膚科分會副主任委員、廣東省中西醫結合學會皮膚性病專業委員會主任委員。     現被澳大利亞皇家墨爾本理工大學聘為客座教授,被香港浸會大學聘為榮譽教授。先後師從2位國醫大師——榻國維教授及朱良春教授,從事醫院臨床、教學、科研及管理等工作30多年。先後主持及參與國家級課題6項,國家級重大專項協作課題1項、省部級和廳局級課題40余項。     在國內外發表學術論文130余篇,擔任高等中醫藥院校教材主編、副主編各2部,主編專著14部,副主編專著6部。獲得省部級科技進步二等獎4項、三等獎4項,廳局級科技進步三等獎l項。擔任《中國中西醫結合皮膚性病學雜誌》《新中醫》《中國真菌學雜誌》《廣州中醫藥大學學報》《皮膚性病診療學雜誌》等編委。

Chapter One TCM and Chinese Civilization
  Section 1 History of TCM
  Section 2 The Origin and Fundamentals of TCM
  Section 3 Chinese Philosophy and TCM
Chapter Two The Unique Concept of TCM
  Section 1 TCM and the Correspondence Between Man and Heaven
  Section 2 TCM View on Human Body: The Unity of Body and Spirit
  Section 3 The Unique Views on Preventive Treatment
  Section 4 Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation
  Section 5 The Theory of Meridians, Qi and Blood
  Section 6 TCM's Views on Emotions
  Section 7 Safe and Effective Physical Therapy
  Section 8 The Internal Therapy Emphasizing Compatibility
Chapter Three TCM: The Mainstay in Preventing and Fighting Against Pestilence
  Section 1 Fighting Against Pestilence with TCM: The Profound Wisdom of Chinese People
  Section 2 Variolation and Smallpox
  Section 3 Qinghao and Malaria
  Section 4 Fighting Against the Epidemic Encephalitis B
  Section 5 Fighting Against SARS
  Section 6 Fighting Against COVID-19
Chapter Four Current Situation and Prospects of TCM
  Section 1 The Development of TCM Since the Founding of the PRC
  Section 2 The Development of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine
  Section 3 Exploration of TCM in the Treatment of Emerging Diseases
  Section 4 TCM and Whole Lifecycle Health Management
  Section 5 TCM: Taking Its Place in the World
  Section 6 The Development of TCM in the World

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