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  • 作者:編者:王達金//李玲|責編:冷文箴//陳新|總主編:張克建
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513563109
  • 出版日期:2015/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:206
人民幣:RMB 47 元      售價:



UNIT 1  Entertainment
  In-depth Reading  TV Talent Shows-the Good and the Bad!
  Further Reading  British Pub Culture
  Applied Listening and Speaking
  Essay Writing  記敘文寫作(1)
  Reading Skills  Previewing and Predicting
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace How Hollywood Lies About the Workplace
UNIT 2  Celebrities
  In-depth Reading  You've Got to Find What You Love
  Further Reading  Jack Ma's "Crazy" Management Style
  Applied Listening and Speaking
  Essay Writing  記敘文寫作(2)
  Reading Skills  Skimming
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace  Career Lessons from Amazon's CEO
UNIT 3  Public Security
  In-depth Reading  Sci-fi Hacks That Are Now a Reality
  Further Reading  The Dangers of Cell Phone Use
  Applied Listening and Speaking
  Essay Writing  描寫文(1)
  Reading Skills  Scanning
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace  Protect Your Privacy While Job Hunting
UNIT 4  Responsibility
  In-depth Reading  Charity-the Most Gratifying Job on Earth
  Further Reading  My Education, My Future
  Applied Listening and Speaking
  Essay Writing  描寫文(2)
  Reading Skills  Identifying the Writing Purpose
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace  Get Paid More and Promoted Faster
UNIT 5  Social Behavior
  In-depth Reading  Why Do Good Manners Matter?
  Further Reading  Sorry-Say It, Mean It, Live It
  Applied Listening and Speaking
  Essay Writing  說明文概述
  Reading Skills  Distinguishing Facts from Opinions
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace  My Favorite Team-building Icebreaker
UNIT 6  Green Economy
  In-depth Reading  Green Economy: Farming in the Sky in Singapore
  Further Reading  Do I Have to Create a Green Economy?
  Applied Listening and Speaking

  Essay Writing  事物說明文
  Reading Skills  Making Inferences
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace  How to Find Green Job Openings
UNIT 7  Low-carbon Life
  In-depth Reading  Denmark: Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Low-carbon
  Further Reading  Low-carbon Life Cutting a College Student's Budget
  Applied Listening and Speaking
  Essay Writing  事理說明文
  Reading Skills  Guessing the Meanings of Words
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace  Easy Ways to Reduce Carbon Emissions in Your Workplace
UNIT 8  Ecology
  In-depth Reading  Wolves Really Saved Yellowstone?
  Further Reading  Where We Live: Loudoun's Environmentally Conscious EcoVillage
  Applied Listening and Speaking
  Essay Writing  圖表描述
  Reading Skills  Denotation and Connotation
  Team Project
  A Glimpse of Workplace  How to Be Eco-friendly at the Office

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